Ellory, another awesome work! I like that you have tried a lot of different mediums this semester. For some reason, this piece reminds me of Dali's painting with the limp clocks faces. But yours is not disturbing as his! Keep up the good work and I sure hope you are taking art next year as well! Thanks for including me. Love, Marcia
- on May 12, 2008
Ellory, your aunt Sabrina told me about your art work. I think you are amazing and I would love to know how to get prints of some of the things you have done. It's truly a beautiful gift and I love how your gift works. Blessings to you, Lisa
- on May 12, 2008
Wow Ellory! That is fantastic! I love it. You really have great talent at art. Keep it up!
- on May 12, 2008
Ellory, Your mom sent me the link to your website. I am very impressed with your work. Your work with "hope" has a special meaning to me at this time in my life. I looked at this painting for a long time. I want you to know that your art has impacted me. You have a gift that can inspire others. Please continue your work. You never know who or when you will inspire someone with one of your pieces. Thanks for letting me view your work. Ken
- on December 29, 2007
This is 'da bomb ;-) When it's warmer you have to show me how to do this ;-) Jim
- on December 27, 2007
I'm always amazed each time you have a new picture on the web. When I look at this picture I see myself standing looking at the world with the hope of Jesus spreading around the world, as so much of the world today needs hope. This is the best one yet! You are so talented keep up the good work. Love you much, Shelia
- on December 27, 2007
Ellory, These are Awesome additions! You really are very talented!! Thank you so much for sharing them with me! Peace, Teresa
- on December 4, 2007
Another great job Ellory. Keep up the good work. Marie
- on December 2, 2007
Wow! you are really good I love it. Abby
- on November 21, 2007
Ellory, You really are a great artist! I love the bright colors you used in this picture and will be looking for the next great piece of work. Keep the good work up you really are blessed as an Artist. Love Shelia
- on October 13, 2007
Ellory, you are turning in to quite the artist. I'm so proud of you and your talent! XO Mom
- on October 11, 2007
Looks like Monet! Beautiful work!
- on October 2, 2007
Ellory, I continue to be so-o-o impressed by your talent and so honored to say - I know Ellory! I can't wait to see more. Can I get copies? Can I get an autograph? Keep up the good work and one day we'll see you name in "lights" having your very own show. Your friend, Sandra
- on October 2, 2007
Ellory, great job you are so blessed as a artist. continue to use the gift God has given you to touch others. Love Shelia (Cousin)
- on December 22, 2006
What an AWESOME collage, Ellory. You make your old artist aunt proud. I love how you handled all the shading and the background is really well balanced. I'm so glad you're continuing to take art in school. High School art class is where a lot of great things will happen. I hope you always have good teachers. They make a huge difference. Send me photos of your work - anytime. Love you, Aunt Lorie
- on December 22, 2006
Ellory, this is awesome! You are so talented. Way to go! Love you, Teresa