Jayla3679's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Jayla3679's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great job Jayla. You are a true artist.
- Dellaree (Mother) on March 3, 2020
I love it. Keep up the great work Jayla. You are talented.
- Dellaree (Mother) on December 18, 2019
This is it. Wow beatiful. I love it.
- Dellaree (Mother) on December 18, 2019
This is beautiful Jayla. You are very talented. Keep it up
- Dellaree (Mother) on December 18, 2019
Nice work Jayla. Keep up the hard work.
- Auntie Deandra on December 18, 2019
Love the owl. So much detail and the shades just sets it off. You are definitely a budding artist. XOXO
- Auntie Deandra on December 18, 2019
Absolutely beautiful Jayla. You are very artistic. Keep up the good work.
- Deandra on October 16, 2019
This is a beautiful piece Jayla. Keep up the good work.
- Dellaree on October 9, 2019