I love this hippo! Hopefully you’ll let me put it on the shelves in the family room!
- Maureen (Mother) on March 10, 2025 NEW
I really love this picture of you and your brother probably in a play.I wonder what they do with that big eye on their forehead. You are very creative and certainly know how to make me laugh. I feel sorry for the green character as he only got one eye, so he doesn't get to see what his sister sees, I bet.
- Mimi Betty on May 1, 2024
Wow! The planets look real!! So cool!
- Maureen (Mother) on April 3, 2024
Great new artwork! Reminds me of a mountain I hiked in China.
- Laura on April 24, 2024
This one made me laugh!
- Laura on April 24, 2024
I love this so much. It’s beautiful and also shows your art skills. I’m going to frame it and put it on the wall!
- Maureen (Mother) on February 20, 2024
I love your geometrical shapes and your colors! They are very seasonal, and of course your cup of Christmas Hot Chocolate. We'll have some when you come to visit, okay. Mimi Betty
- Betty on January 31, 2024
Whoa! I love this!
- Maureen (Mother) on December 26, 2023
Is this supposed to be Taylor Swift as a little girl? Who is the little girl on her dress ? I love your creativity!! But not as much as I love you!! Mimi Betty
- Betty on November 1, 2023
You are such a tremendous ARTIST! Did you design this clock or is it a picture of a Cuckoo Cloyck that really exists? Either way it is so well drawn and thought out! You are truly a STAR! Love, Mimi Betty
- Betty on May 31, 2023
I love the bunny and the turtle. Looks like the turtle beat the bunny. I guess the fastest doesn't always finish first!! Great perspective in the background. Looks like it was a nice day! Love, MIMI
- Mimi on May 17, 2023
This is such a perfect picture of a Goldfish painted in black! I love your meticulous work Rose. Your work just gets better and better!!! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on May 17, 2023
This looks so inviting and real. I've heard of a rain or snow storm, but this is like a "flower storm". The colors are spectacular!! Is this a real place? Maybe it's a dream forest! love, Mimi Betty
- Betty on April 10, 2023
This looks so inviting and real. I've heard of a rain or snow storm, but this is like a "flower storm". The colors are spectacular!! Is this a real place? Maybe it's a dream forest! love, Mimi Betty
- Betty on April 5, 2023
This is a very interesting version of another painting that you did. I'm thinking of the self portrait. You have such a natural flow with your artwork. I enjoy it so much. Love, Mimi Betty
- Betty on April 10, 2023
Hi Rose, I love your latest artwork, the self portrait. It does look something like you. I am curious about the background you selected, ie. "TS" and what looks like bolts or screws, not sure? I would like your comments on that. We are running low on wall space for your art. We now have on display your downtown buildings and your snowman. Maybe we will rotate them? Any suggestions? Love, Papa
- Jim on February 1, 2023
This does kind of look like you, maybe even a lot like you, especially when I try to make you smile. Love and miss you, Mimi Betty
- Betty on February 1, 2023
I love your work Rose!Each item in this tell the viewer so many stories! The colors are perfect. What is the rectangle with two red dots and a black dot? Let's talk about it when I see you. Remind me!! Betty (Mimi)
- Betty on December 7, 2022
This is my favorite. We had it made into a print. The buildings look similar to those found in many cities, but the unique one is the curved top building, second from left, atop the clock. I think an architect would be tempted to copy the design. Adrian Smith might be interested. He designed the tallest building in the world, the Burj Tower in Dubai (see the internet for a picture}. He is now building a new tower that will be even taller, the Jeddah Tower in Saudi Arabia. Give him a call.
- Betty on November 2, 2022
Your choice of colors is very interesting. The greens represent the grass in which the bright yellow sun gives its warmth and light to the pretty pink flowers. I hope you had fun designing this. It is very beautiful! Mimi Betty
- Betty on October 12, 2022
Your choice of colors is very interesting. The greens represent the grass in which the bright yellow sun gives its warmth and light to the pretty pink flowers. I hope you had fun designing this. It is very beautiful! Mimi Betty
- Mimi on October 12, 2022
This is a fabulous backdrop for a story! Let's do it together next time we are together! You are really a good artist. Love. Mimi Betty
- Mimi Betty on May 18, 2022
These buildings have such interesting personalities! This is quite unique, Rose.
- Mimi Betty on May 18, 2022
When I saw this great use of colors I couldn't believe it. The intricacies in your designs behind each number are so unique. The bright, hopeful colors represent exactly how most of us feel about reaching the year 2022, after our being inside to avoid Covid! Thank you for this! Mimi Betty
- Mimi Betty on May 18, 2022
This is incredible! Going in a frame!
- Maureen (Mother) on February 22, 2022
Rose your artwork is so beautiful! I like this latest piece specially the colors and the shapes. I’m trying to guess what it is but I haven’t come up with the answer yet. I love it.
- Betty on March 2, 2022
So cool!
- Maureen (Mother) on February 8, 2022
This looks like we could make a great story from these two puppets? Do you think the 3 eyed one could give the 1 eyed puppet just 1 of her eyes? I love the colors!
- Betty on December 1, 2021
This looks like we could make a great story from these two puppets? Do you think the 3 eyed one could give the 1 eyed puppet just 1 of her eyes? I love the colors!
- Betty on December 1, 2021
I love this team effort to make this special piece for your school. I can't wait to see where life takes you as you grow older Rose. I love you!
- Laura on October 20, 2021
Mimi loves all your flavors in this picture! It is a yummy picture!
- Betty on June 16, 2021
This is so beautiful with all the fluorescent colors! I love it too Rose. Papa and I have been to Monets Garden and this is kind of what it looks like. If you study French in school maybe your mom can take you over to France to see Monets Garden. I know you will love it, because you get to go into Monets house! Very beautiful lots of yellows and blues.You can look it up on line if your mom helps you. Love Betty
- Betty on May 19, 2021
I can’t wait to see this in a frame and up on a the wall!
- Maureen (Mother) on April 20, 2021
My head is spinning from your beautiful artwork in rows of four! If each row were a row of cupcakes, I would pick the peppermint squirl in the bottom row! Yum
- Mimi Betty on May 19, 2021
So pretty. You are all ready for Valentine's Day! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on February 17, 2021
- Betty on February 17, 2021
I love this turkey Rose. How did you know how to draw it? did you have a picture? P.S. I love her eyes!
- Jim on December 23, 2020
Rose,I really love this winter scene! Papa will too but he’s sleeping now. Your perspective is fabulous!! ?? Mimi
- mimi on December 23, 2020
Rose,I really love this winter scene! Papa will too but he’s sleeping now. Your perspective is fabulous!! ?? Mimi
- mimi on December 23, 2020
Wow, Rose! this is so impressive! Really scary too! We hope to sit on your porch Saturday to see your friends come by hour house. I see you in this picture don't I? Love, Mimi
- Betty on November 4, 2020
This makes me want to talk to the buildings in downtown Chicago, you know ask them if they like the people that live in them, maybe if the eyes and mouths on some of them are really windows to peek out of. I love the colors and the clouds, just sitting there so well and not raining on anybody. Wow! The colors are pretty too. Maybe the buildings are sad because so many moms and dads are not coming to them for their jobs, and they are lonely! love, Mimi Betty
- MIMI Betty on October 21, 2020
This makes me want to talk to the buildings in downtown Chicago, you know ask them if they like the people that live in them, maybe if the eyes and mouths on some of them are really windows to peek out of. I love the colors and the clouds, just sitting there so well and not raining on anybody. Wow! The colors are pretty too. Maybe the buildings are sad because so many moms and dads are not coming to them for their jobs, and they are lonely! love, Mimi Betty
- MIMI Betty on October 21, 2020
I can't wait to hear about your latest work of art. Hope your mom got the note about the three bears!
- MIMI Betty on October 21, 2020
When it rains it shines soon! L0ve, your colors Rose Eileen They are bright and strong like you!
- Betty on February 27, 2020
Rosie! This art piece is so wonderful! I became excited when I saw this in my email this week. This artwork is so unique with the different lines and colors that you used. I look forward to seeing more art from you.
- Laura on October 2, 2019
Looks just like you!! Great job! Gramma xoxo
- on October 2, 2019
Rose, I just love this artwork! I'd love to frame it and hang it on my wall! Gramma xoxox
- on October 2, 2019
I think this is really good Rose. You have a great smile, and I like the little red feather in your hair. . You are so good at the placement of the pretty gumballs 6 pink, 7 purple, five yellow, 7 green , 6 orange! Gosh how many are there all together? I think there are 31 all together???