Melanie5795's Comments (30)

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Below are comments about Melanie5795's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Sweet artwork of your family. Nice job on details of the clothes. I love that you even added Tank. Grandma Karen
- Karen on July 22, 2020
Melanie I know you have been keeping busy with all your school work at home. I’m sure this was an assignment you enjoyed. Very nice work. Grandma Karen
- Karen on July 22, 2020
What a beautiful lady. You can help me with my makeup any day. Keep up the nice work.
- Sue on July 22, 2020
Melanie...I'm sure Buddy took a long time to create. Nice work. It looks as though it was a fun project. Tank probably likes having a friend.
- Sue on July 22, 2020
Melanie...I'm sure Buddy took a long time to create. Nice work. It looks as though it was a fun project. Tank probably likes having a friend.
- Sue on July 22, 2020
Melanie this is so cool! It is fun to look at and think about how I find new things each time, very artistic! Grandma Karen
- Karen on February 26, 2020
Melanie, you become more creative every day. I love your artwork. Keep up the nice work.
- Sue on February 26, 2020
He is so cute Mel! Well done!!
- Aunt Amy on January 21, 2020
Melanie, your artwork always improves. The flag took a lot of planning. We love having a patriotic granddaughter. Sue
- Sue on January 21, 2020
Melanie, your artwork always improves. The flag took a lot of planning. We love having a patriotic granddaughter. Sue
- Sue on January 21, 2020
Melanie this is really great artwork! Your details are so well done. I love how the bear looks happy with the perfect smile you gave him/her! Grandma Karen
- Grandma Karen on January 21, 2020
Nice job Melanie! The leaves look very realistic!
- Janelle (Mother) on December 17, 2019
You created such a cute bear! I love him. Very good job with the detailed sweater. Keep it up Melanie! Mom
- Janelle (Mother) on December 17, 2019
Melanie...your artwork improves all the time. Your polar bear looks like one of your stuffed animals. I love it. Sue
- Sue on December 17, 2019
This is beautiful Melanie! When I look at this picture, I feel like you’re really trying to catch those leaves. Very well done. Grandma Karen
- Karen on December 17, 2019
Melanie, this is an interesting art project. The flowers you drew made the skull fun to look at. It's amazing that a country with so much sugar decided to make and decorate skulls.
- Grandma Sue on November 12, 2019
Melanie that is the cutest scull I have ever seen. Love the flowers and colors! Great artwork. Grandma Karen
- Karen on November 12, 2019
I can tell you put a lot of thought and work into this piece. The owl is so cute! Very nice job!
- Janelle (Mother) on October 22, 2019
Melanie...a great colorful owl collage. I'm sure Harry Potter would put your picture next to a picture of Hedwig. Grandma Sue
- Sue on October 22, 2019
Oh Melanie I love your Owl collage! You made him (or her) look so real. Very nice work. Grandma Karen
- Karen on October 22, 2019
Melanie it looks like you put a lot of time into your lines and colors. I like your monster. Very nice work. Grandma Karen
- Karen on October 9, 2019
Melanie, your monster is so realistic. I hope I don't find anything like that in my closet. Nice work and so colorful.
- Grandma Sue on October 9, 2019
Melanie I love how you used your dots to make an eye. Very well done! Grandma Karen
- on September 26, 2019
Interesting...I feel like someone is looking at me. I enjoy looking at your artwork. Grandma Sue
- on September 18, 2019
Very cool Melanie!
- Janelle (Mother) on September 13, 2019
I like your collage. It was nice that you used the whole background paper with such colorful shapes. Grandma Sue
- on September 11, 2019
Well done Melanie! Great job cutting out my favorite piece - the heart! xoxo
- on September 13, 2019
Papa and I are going to order mugs so we can have coffee with donuts. Your picture was so realistic that it made us hungry.
-- Sue
- on August 28, 2019
This reminds me of when we were visiting and you and I had breakfast and a donut after we dropped Tyler off to school early. Papa says it makes him want a donut! That is a very good drawing!
-- Karen
- on August 28, 2019
Very creative! I think we need to get a lemon filled donut soon. If it is that big though, I am sharing with you. ;-)
-- Janelle
- on August 23, 2019