Audrey10375's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Audrey10375's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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It is so interesting to see how the picture changes by just using different colors. Wow! Nice job picking colors to show the big changes!
- Wayne on February 26, 2020
Beautiful work Audrey! You are a super artist! Grandpa Wayne
- Wayne on February 12, 2020
Audrey, You did a wonderful picture using all the primary colors(red, yellow, and blue) and secondary colors(blue, green, and orange)! I also really liked your use of geometric and organic shapes! Love, Grandpa Wayne
- Wayne on February 5, 2020
Great work! I love the birds and their beautiful colors! Grandpa Wayne
- Wayne on December 3, 2019
Excellent work on your three birds, Audrey! I love the colors!
- Caroline on December 3, 2019
Great job, Audrey! Love you very much.
- Rita on October 8, 2019
I love the color coordination of the legs and of the arms. I love your artwork! Love, Grandpa Wayne
- Grandpa Wayne on October 8, 2019