Ivanna277's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Ivanna277's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You like spiders ???? Why you don’t kill spiders at home ?? Hahaha
- Daniel (Father) on October 22, 2019
Another one perfect for a shirt design! Pretty colors and so elegant!
- Mayra on November 6, 2019
Congratulation bella! This artwork is so amaizing!
- Mayra on November 6, 2019
Is this cloe? ???? Love the pets friendship!
- Mayra on November 6, 2019
That spider look hungry! Scary! The spiderweb looks soooo real!
- Mayra on November 6, 2019
This design is perfect for a shirt! I super like the colors and everything! Let’s print a shirt!!!!
- Mayra on November 6, 2019
Yummie pizza! We should suggest your design to Pizza Hut!
- Mayra on November 6, 2019
I love the picture! It is colorful and that sea is just perfect! Makes me feel that I want to go to the beach!
- Mayra on November 6, 2019