Asha495's Comments (22)

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Below are comments about Asha495's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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ASHA. This is gorgeous. I need this for my collection.
- Brenda on November 4, 2024
It's Halloween time...great mummy hands!
- Boba on October 4, 2023
Asha! I love this piece of your art work. Keep up the hard work and creativity. I am proud of you! Love, Auntie Carlyn
- Carlyn on September 20, 2023
LOVE LOVE LOVE IT. I’ll be getting one of these. I love you Nana
- Brenda on December 14, 2022
I wish I had some of these birds feathers to keep me the precise detail in this white and blue winter picture.
- Boba on November 23, 2022
Our Galaxy is so amazing would it be to travel to our neighboring planets!
- Boba on November 23, 2022
Ohhhhhhh ASHA, I love your galaxy picture. You did a great job. This is going to have to be one of Nana’s collection. I love you Nana
- Brenda on October 26, 2022
The flowers on your lantern are beautiful...awesome job!
- Boba on September 8, 2021
Asha!!! You finished the BUBBLES!!! It came out awesome. That’s gonna be another one I add to my collection. Great job baby girl!!! I love you
- Nana on September 8, 2021
Great it!
- Boba on April 10, 2021
Asha! This is SO adorable. I need to order a copy for the fridge or wall to put out during Eastertime. The colors and creativity you show here is awesome. I’m so proud of you!
- Auntie Carlyn on April 10, 2021
Your artwork is amazing Asha!
- TT on February 11, 2021
This is really cute! Great job!!!
- TT on February 11, 2021
I love it! The Blue bird is enjoying the beautiful sound all the rainbow colored birds are singing and thinking that Spring is just around the corner when all of them can fly freely. Can't wait to see your next work of art!
- Boba on February 11, 2021
Asha. I am loving your work!! You are amazing at drawing. Time for me to order some new gifts for Christmas!! I cannot wait to pick some new items. You may need to help me!!
- Nana on October 28, 2020
Starry Night is so relaxing...soft colors, swirly lines...I think I maybe ready to sleep...hope you have pleasant dreams!
- Boba on October 14, 2020
Very nice Asha
- TT on October 14, 2020
Asha, you are a Princess! I love your artwork and I am proud to see all the fantastic drawings you have made up to now... I cannot wait to see your next drawing! Keep up the great work!
- Boba on April 1, 2020
Asha! This is so pretty! You did so well. The heart has so many colors and is very unique! Auntie Car & Uncle John LOVE it! Keep working hard
- Carlyn & John on March 11, 2020
Asha I just love all your artwork projects. You are very creative and use such awesome colors when you make your pictures. I love looking at my magnets hanging on the refrigerator and dishwasher at my house. Keep up the great work baby girl. I love you!!
- Nana on November 20, 2019
Very cool, keep up the good work! TT
- on September 17, 2019
Asha, This is beautiful. You did such a great job!!! I cannot wait to order some of your artwork. I love you and am very proud of you. XOXOX.
-- Nana
- on August 28, 2019