This reminds me of the sun! It's so fun! Your artwork is always something I wait for! Love you!
- Grandma and Grandpa T on June 26, 2024
Love this funny smiley face - so happy even while it's "melting"!
- Grandma and Grandpa T on June 26, 2024
That's a fun way to make art with squares - so fun! Love, G & G T
- Grandma T(fan) on June 26, 2024
I LOVE this!!!!
- Connie on April 17, 2024
Great design, Ry!!! Love, G&G T
- Grandma T on April 17, 2024
3D artwork is fun to create - good job!
- Grandma T on April 17, 2024
This reminds me of a kaleidescope!!!
- Grandma T on April 17, 2024
Ry, this is INCREDIBLE!!! You'll have to show it to me!!! Love, G & G T
- Love, G & G T on April 17, 2024
Ry, I've never seen a clay paintbrush before and this one is really cool! We're looking forward to having you show it to us. Love you, Grandma & Grandpa T.
- Much love, Grandma and Grandpa T. on April 17, 2024
As always, I love your choice of colors!
- Love, G & G T on February 15, 2023
A LAVA LAMP - this is really cool, Ry! I love the colors you chose.
- Much love, Grandma and Grandpa T. on February 15, 2023
I LOVE your pumpkins painting! Your green foreground is very interesting, making me feel like I'm outside in a beautiful spot. GREAT JOB!!!
- Much love, Grandma and Grandpa T. on February 15, 2023
Riley, This artwork has so many fun creatures as well as your diver! I love the way you colored from blue to purple as you went farther underwater. Great work!!!
- G & G T on February 15, 2023
Underwater adventures!!! Love all the sea creatures you drew! GREAT JOB!!!
- Love, G & G T on February 15, 2023
What a fun picture you drew!! I love the variety of creatures!!! GREAT JOB!!!
- Grandma and Grandpa T on September 29, 2022
Very interesting way to produce artwork! You never know what your square will look like while you're making it. When all the pieces are put together it creates a one of a kind design.
- G & G T on September 29, 2022
I would love to know which square you did, because you are a great artist! Love you!!!
- G & G T on September 29, 2022
Very cool art - I love the design - and the colors - and your work with the yarn is fantastic! Love you!!!
- Grandma and Grandpa T on September 29, 2022
GREAT artwork - I see the huge wave and sun!!! Love, G & G T
- Grandma and Grandpa T on September 29, 2022
MOST interesting! Love, G & G T
- Grandma & Grandpa T on September 29, 2022
I call this an interesting abstract - you'll have to tell me what it's all about. Love you! G & G T
- Grandma & Grandpa T on September 29, 2022
Ry, this bird is so fun!!! I hope you had as much fun creating it as I'm having looking at it. Can't wait for you to show it to me! Love, G & G T
- Grandma & Grandpa T on September 29, 2022
Ry Bear, this is BEAUTIFUL! You did a great job with composition, colors and so much more! We love you! G & G T
- Grandma & Grandpa T on September 29, 2022
A rainbow flower - so cool!!! Love, G & G T
- G & G T on September 29, 2022
Ry, this is VERY interesting! So much to look at - a bear, triangles of many colors and a type of grids that are all different! ANOTHER wonderful work of art!!! Love,
- Grandpa and Grandma T on September 29, 2022
Another artwork that is well done! All your practice with cutting paper paid off because you made some great patterns. We're proud of you, Ry! Love you, G & G T
- Grandma & Grandpa T on February 15, 2023
This is very interesting, Ry. It looks like your teacher was teaching about color blocks. You'll have to tell us all about it.
- Grandma & Grandpa T on February 15, 2023
I like how you did the realistic and Marvel character - cool idea!
- Mom on February 15, 2023
This one is super cool ??
- Mom on February 15, 2023
Van Gogh! Great job buddy!
- Mom on February 15, 2023
Riley, once again you have created a STUNNING masterpiece!!! This is so very beautiful, and reminds me of when you went to Colorado. All our love, Grandma & Grandpa T
- Grandma & Grandpa T on November 10, 2021
Lions are part of the family for many reasons, and this one's got the BEST face I've ever seen! Love, G&G T
- G & G T on November 10, 2021
This was the first artwork you did, back in kindergarten. It was the first of many wonderful creations you have done - great job! Love, G & G T
- G & G T on November 10, 2021
Ry, ANOTHER incredible piece of artwork!!! Your lettering looks like an ADULT did it _ way to go!!! I love your subjects and how you put it altogether. I can't wait to ask you about it! Much love, G & G T
- G & G T on November 10, 2021
Once again you have done a fantastic job! We love you! G & G
- G & G T on October 13, 2021
Riley, this is very creative!!! I always love your color choices. Keep creating masterpieces!!!
- G & G on October 13, 2021
Ry, this art is so cool! It is very interesting. Love G & G
- Connie on May 19, 2021
Riley, this is SO INTERESTING! I love how it's actually jumping off the page! GREAT ART!!! Love, Grandma T
- Connie on May 19, 2021
Riley, this is so colorful and beautiful! Love, Grandma and Grandpa T
- Connie on April 14, 2021
So very beautiful!
- Grandma on March 24, 2021
Ry, this is WONDERFUL!!! I love how you designed it. Love, Grandma
- Grandma on January 20, 2021
Riley, this is fantastic!!! Great work! Love, Grandma and Grandpa
- Grandma Turek on November 25, 2020
Ry I love your cat! Great job sweet girl! Love, Auntie Kate