Grace27228's Comments (146)

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Below are comments about Grace27228's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Grace, your pencil sketching is very good in detail and symmetry. The choice of a lighter color for the collar made it more visible. You likely recall that your cousing, Rebekah Jane, is an outstanding sketch artist. Nice Work!
- John on September 19, 2024 NEW
I love it. While you can’t improve on God’s work, I think you captured it nicely. Lovely
- Aron on September 19, 2024 NEW
Kora must be a very special friend with bright eyes and a happy smile!
- John on July 23, 2024
Kora must be a very special friend with bright eyes and a happy smile!
- John on July 23, 2024
America's 6th President (1797-1801), John Quincy Adams, stated "Our cconstitution was made only for a moral and religious people; it is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." Counting the 15 stars is perhaps a foresight to adding Louisiana in 1803 and annexation of Texas in 1845.
- John on July 23, 2024
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
- Aron on June 5, 2024
Grace, Surely this is a friend for whom you have deep affection - 9 hearts unless there are some I cannot see on her green kerchief! G-paw John
- John on May 29, 2024
You really "Milk"ed this subject matter for all it was worth. Fortunately this piece did not turn out to be a "Dud"! Cheers!
- Aron on May 22, 2024
With the appropriately trained eye, everything can become art. I salute your willingness to celebrate the beauty in everyday items. This work makes me hungry for more art. It is a feast for the eyes.
- Aron on May 22, 2024
Delicacies for a gathering make my mouth water! I appears to be for a holiday occasion, and some of the shapes appear as highly decorated cookies. These could be some of the ones you constructed with your grandmother! G-paw John
- John on May 15, 2024
Grace, How could you have known that Milk Duds was my favorite treat at the movies when I went to a show in my boyhood? You can make one box last a long time by dissolving the chocolate covering, then savoring the center before finally giving into chewing it bit. You painted a lovely depiction of one of my childhood favorites. Well done, G-paw John
- John on May 15, 2024
Loving this piece - it makes me think of our adventure on the Great Barrier Reef!
- Linnann (Mother) on April 15, 2024
Is this a person not yet fully materialized while viewing the maze of technology and tidal wave of available information which must be sorted for validity? And yet she has her eyes wide open because she knows who she is in relation to her Creator.
- John on March 6, 2024
Is this a person not yet fully materialized while viewing the maze of technologhy, tidal wave of available information which must be sorted for validity, and yet with eyes wide open because she knows who she is in relation to her Creator.
- John on March 6, 2024
Surely this is a heart wrapped tightly with deep love extended to the entities around it. There are heavenlies above, but I'm uncertain about the half cheerios (or donuts) below. The purple may be especially extending gratitude to those who have been wounded while serving to protect our freedoms. This heart is presently encaged in a physical body but also lives in the red space of eternity at the same time.
- John on March 6, 2024
Such a unique piece of art! It reminds me that love is all around. And, Grace, the fact that you incorporated a reminder that God gave his Son, on a cross, showing His love & forgiveness is so special.
- Claris on February 28, 2024
At first glance this evoked thoughts of looking down into a chasm. It put me in mind of Dante's concentric circles in The Inferno. But upon introspection, it feels more like looking up from the bottom of a well staring into an inevitable future in Heaven. A path that is as narrow as it is certain for those who are covered by His love. "La Corazon" reminds me to remember the heart of God and to look up. Amen
- Aron on February 14, 2024
It was a joy to decipher all of the different visual elements of this piece. I love that this entire work exists within the Blue, Indigo and Violet end of the spectrum only punctuated by the occasional pop of Yellow. Another slice of joy from one of my favorite artist. Cheers
- Aron on February 14, 2024
As all wise folks would agree; it is right and good to lay all of our gifts at His feet.
- Aron on February 7, 2024
The dark sillohuette image is striking and enhanced by the soft background. The Astrozorian Wise Men recognized the importance of bringing gifts to Emmanuel who they perceived to be King. This art work is a reminder that we need to be continually giving our obedience and service to the Lord. G-paw John
- John on January 10, 2024
Well done! I like the background colors that you picked. It helps me feel like I'm there making the journey with the three kings.
- Linnann (Mother) on January 9, 2024
I wrote a comment several days ago. What happened?
- John on December 11, 2023
Minimalism.....less is more. Very groovy. I dig it.
- Aron on December 6, 2023
Another triumph Grace. It is as if you have taken the Greek Mati Eye and completely transformed it. You have rewritten its ominous tone to one of hope. A rainbow of possibility contained in just one eye.
- Aron on December 6, 2023
The colors are so beautiful! And making this work an eye has such meaning. Great job, Grace!
- Claris on December 6, 2023
No matter what anyone says - art is subjective. Keep being creative! You have hypnotized me with your dot day art.
- Linnann (Mother) on December 5, 2023
Your prism looks deep into the depths of my soul. I love the symmetry of the colors.
- Linnann (Mother) on December 5, 2023
Grace focuses her many thoughts and talents upward knowing the best direction comes from our Lord. Rainbow colors convey promise.
- John on May 10, 2023
It is a play on perspective. Is the name rushing towards you? Is the very name, Grace, casting a shadow going back in to antiquity? Does it mean that Grace as a concept is infinite? How is one too plumb the depths of the artists soul?
- Aron on May 10, 2023
I love, love this! Quite creative & colors are nice. Can’t really explain it, but it speaks to me.
- Claris on May 10, 2023
Some how this makes me think of seeing the world through the eyes of a cat. It is all color and texture.
- Aron(fan) on April 19, 2023
I love your vision and how you see the world!
- Linnann (Mother) on November 22, 2022
This note is on the ZENTANGLE Collage which I consider to be superb and outstanding now that I have learned the nature of zentangle art. I spy between 8-12. patterns in the collage, depending on whether there is some allowed overlapping! The color selection and placement is fantastic, a challenge to some of the best sunsets or rainbows. The various designs exhibit a wide range of imagination with organization. Well done! This work is well beyond the beginner's use of just a pencil and black pen.
- John on November 22, 2022
From a distance, one easily notes JOY with initial thoughts of "sugarplums dancing in the head!" On closer inspection, however, one note a very active mind with a wide variety of interests, with Jesus' cross prominent as is love. Such a variety of colors matches with the multitude of interests!
- Grandpaw John on November 22, 2022
Fascinating self-portrait with much of Grace unobserved in the background. One notes the reflection of a puppy and a kitty in her eyeglasses which are bright red like her Granny Long used to wear. Her usual smile is present.
- Grandpaw John on November 22, 2022
This colorful artwork is uplifting, will organized, stresses the healthy effect of good sleep, and was full of so much LOVE, that the love had to be “compressed to fit in the frame of Grace!
- Grandpaw John on November 22, 2022
Grace, your succulent garden has an impressive variety of cacti. I wonder if the one in the foreground is about to set some blooms. I can only "second" that the organized rainbow of colors is elegant, and that you are everyone's sunshine. G-paw John
- John on June 15, 2022
I am always encouraged by the cactus. It's a great reminder that growth is possible even under the harshest of conditions.
- Aron(fan) on June 1, 2022
I love the sunrise behind the mountains with the ski chalet and the lifts in the foreground.
- Aron(fan) on June 1, 2022
This clay just draws me in!! I reminds me of the many hikes we’ve taken together in the mountains. Keep up the good work.
- Claris on June 1, 2022
The colors in your succulent garden are so vibrant. As you are “my sunshine “ this is too.
- Claris on June 1, 2022
This piece puts me in mind of the sun setting behind a lonely pine. A solitary tree waiting for it’s season to fulfill its destiny and become someone’s Christmas Tree.
- Aron on May 10, 2022
I noted an overall "Project" of Third-Value Christmas Tree but must interpret this refreshing piece of art as "Spring Bursting Forth" be it sunlight through prisms of glistening dew or perhaps the heart of a flower that is luring honey bees to its nourishing nectar through brilliant petals. G-paw John
- John on May 10, 2022
The two figures, one in a dress and the other with locks of black hair must be representation of two Greek goddesses. They point at the sun, so perhaps Artemis, goddess of the hunt is saying this is a good time to forage, or perhaps with her, Persephone, goddess of flowers, gardens and marshlands believes is is time to plant. The background structure must be where they rest at night. G-paw
- John on May 10, 2022
This evokes images of a sun setting over a cactus on the desert planes.
- Aron(fan) on March 9, 2022
I have always been a fan of chalks and pastels on a black background.
- Aron(fan) on March 9, 2022
This is precisely how I wish to feel when I get knocked down. I open my eyes and I am surrounded by well-wishers just waiting to give me a hand up. Their smiling face telegraphing the message that everything is going to be ok because I am loved.
- Aron(fan) on March 9, 2022
Brave use on the monochrome. A lesser artist might have been tempted to embellish the texture or color and in doing so loose the essence of the penguin. Not so with you; you let the bird be as it was created. Bravo!
- Aron(fan) on March 9, 2022
Vincent Van Gogh himself would be taken by this homage to his work. I only regret that this 2D image can not better convey the three dimensions of perfection represented in this piece.
- Aron(fan) on March 9, 2022
This is like a space rose of the future. It has been genetically modified to excite the rods and cones of the human eye.
- Aron(fan) on March 9, 2022
Color and depth. This image could be used to sell printers. Only the most advanced could accurately reproduce the vivid pigments and three dimensionally of it all.
- Aron(fan) on March 9, 2022
A colorful reminder that under the stars the jungle teams with life.
- Aron(fan) on March 9, 2022
Nothing says home to the Southern heart more than the sight of a covered front porch. The peach tree beside the house evokes Grandmother's peach cobbler cooling on the windowsill. Warms the heart.
- Aron(fan) on March 9, 2022
Is a windmill a functional sign of progress, an eyesore that blemishes nature or art in motion? Your depiction forces the observer to decide for themselves.
- Aron(fan) on March 9, 2022
You view the word through rainbow colored glasses. I see this as what it might look like to see the world through your eyes.
- Aron(fan) on March 9, 2022
It can be difficult to capture a persons essence in a self portrait but you do it over and over.
- Aron(fan) on March 9, 2022
I love the use of the contrasting colors. The black on yellow and orange and the yellow on dark blue create a striking contrast.
- Aron(fan) on March 9, 2022
Colors of the rainbow and of bright & shiny Christmas ornaments. The visual presentation of a "pair" allows one to think these could be a set of lungs full of joyful carols to sing about our Savior's birth!
- John on December 29, 2021
A nice blend of some of my favorite colors! It’s light & happy. Good work!!
- Nanny Claris on December 1, 2021
I love your creativity!! Great colors. The colors are so vibrant. Keep up the good work.
- Claris on November 10, 2021
Beautiful colors and balance. I did not see a topic from which the artist created these parallel images. Perhaps it is the beginning of life moving toward maturation. Hope and JOY are reflected. Love, G-paw J.
- John on November 10, 2021
This girl is not as scary as the one who visited me on Halloween. I see the crosses and a rainbow shining on her chest. I believe she recently came out of Lake Bryan. Love, G-paw J.
- John on November 10, 2021
Hi Grace, This is an AMAZING expression about the Third Day of Creation. There will be a more complete interpretation to follow. Well done! G-paw J.
- John on November 10, 2021
Nice warm summertime colors with perhaps a cool centered windmill still among some tulips in Holland. Several fields of tulips extend beyond the windmill. Now, I'm just guessing since I didn't see the title of the subject!
- John on June 9, 2021
What a comfortable home, lots of light with windows, and even a floor plan. The extra touch, though, is the lovely blue skylight for the high ceiling in the entry hall. Well done!
- John on May 27, 2021
Grace, Your second jungle is teeming with creatures! Is the monkey swinging on a limb in the far left tree teasing a snake around the trunk? Your color selection makes everything come alive. As a youngster, we used to tease about the moon being a big ball of cheese, and I see now that it is Swiss cheese. What an imagination (and I know now that those are craters). HA. G-paw.
- John on May 27, 2021
This painting is now tied for my favorite. You really captured the outdoor. I love the animals & the flowers & stars are so pretty. The little turtle & firefly are so cute. This piece of artwork demonstrates your imagination & creativity working together. The colors are great. Keep up the good work.
- Claris on May 14, 2021
Another one that’s tied for my favorite! I love the outdoors and wildlife, and the flowers are so pretty. The turtle & firefly are so cute. Your imagination & creativity shine through in th
- Claris on May 19, 2021
Very nice watercolor technique! A lovely blending of shades that gives you a feel of falling into the painting! Like Alice in Wonderland's rabbit hole :D
- Katharine on May 19, 2021
Concentric circles of color! Bright and fun.
- Katharine on May 19, 2021
A fairy forest at night with stars shining bright! Always so creative and full of imagination!! Beautiful
- Katharine on May 19, 2021
I much prefer YOUR chair to that of the artist modeled who left his pipe in the chair and his name on a box in the corner. Your chair is filled with the most important items of a home: the person, a window to nature outside, table with a lamp and door with lots of windows. The slightly lighter colors in the bend of the chair at to its visual interpretation as do the slightly wider front and top. I cannot be seated, though. Someone is already there! HA.
- John on April 14, 2021
Color scheme is impressive and well blended. I did not see the objective or instructions related to the art, so cannot comment there. This could be a most unusual rose unfolding within a cup or several cups. I may also be a rose within a rose with exterior red petals come green leaves internal yellow petals not yet separated that encircle the central orange to red bud. The lines and colors are most intricate! WELL DONE.
- John on April 14, 2021
Beautiful! I just love all the different colors. You may have just designed a new type of rose bud!! Growing one could be a great research project. Keep your creativity going!!??
- Claris on April 14, 2021
Could the 2nd Cermic figure actually be CERAMIC? It is a really cute penguin though I am worried about its beak. Was it wearing a seat belt when it encountered the ice floe?
- G-paw John on March 3, 2021
Oh how cute!! I love your little penguin. I can just see him waddling across the ice & snow. Keep practicing your art skills and having fun as you do.
- Claris on March 3, 2021
H Grace, Your Snow-person has amazing insight. I had to think a while to guess what a Worm's eye might envision when looking at a Snow-person. Certainly the worm would wonder what the sun might be doing to that Snow-person. While the worm is looking, it sees a variety of brightly colored beetles (? insects) also checking out the Snow-person. MAGNIFICIENT. G-paw.
- John on February 10, 2021
I never get tired of seeing your artwork. The colors on this one are so festive. And, it reminds me of when we lay on the deck and pick out forms in the clouds. Keep drawing and putting your creativity on paper.
- Nanny on February 10, 2021
Very creative! The joy shines out of this special piece. I particularly like the uniqueness of each snowman!
- Katharine on February 10, 2021
Another good one! I like the snowman family. Nice colors - makes for a bright winter day in the snow!
- Mom on January 23, 2021
This is exciting with vibrant colors as noted already. I see that you took Sandra Silberzweig out of her sarcophagus and the pyramid to be a farm girl for a while! I believe she finds a delight in being there. Well done.
- John on December 16, 2020
Chilly! I like the depth you were able to portray in this piece. Also, it really does seem to be snowing. Well done!
- Linnann (Mother) on December 6, 2020
Love the vibrant orange! The sun shines brightly out at me. Nicely done - it gives me feelings of Fall.
- Linnann (Mother) on December 6, 2020
I really like this one! Could be a Sunset in the Sahara Desert, or the glow of an orange bulb on a string of Christmas lights, or maybe an artistic Halloween themed hot air balloon. Great art brings forth great imagination! Excellent work :)
- Katharine on December 4, 2020
A Chilly winter's night! Grab your coat and boots - that looks like an early snow!
- Katharine on December 4, 2020
Always a vivd use of color contrast! I love the smile that jumps out form the picture - true expression of JOY!
- Katharine on December 4, 2020
The colors are some of my favorites. And, the depth perception is great. Keep putting your creativity on paper!!
- Nanny Claris on November 22, 2020
Artist Grace, I present a Rave Review after study and analysis of this art. In a preliminary report it is most visually pleasing with a delightful and balanced array of color. There are at least 10 shades of color, perhaps more to a trained eye. Rave #1) is the presentation of an intense symbolism in colors considering both the colors of Christian Art and Liturgy of which I find 5 of Artistry and 5 of Reformed Liturgy. Rave #2) Is the wide spectrum of well organized creative material that strikes one as reaching for a unified goal. I see 12 building blocks and am designating specifics to each. I will document these in a writing, would delight for you to write your interpretation of what is presented, and then we can compare! Rave #3) is to name the art as "Creation in Action" Delightfully, G-paw John
- John on November 16, 2020
I love the colors and designs. Very Creative!
- Linnann (Mother) on October 14, 2020
Very creative. Nice color contrast. Continue to put your thoughts on paper!!
- Claris on October 14, 2020
Beautiful colors and excellent depth! Almost thought the train was moving.
- Katharine on June 3, 2020
This impressive Robot Teacher appears quite wise and to be both happy and in control of the situation. I'm wondering if his/her chest could be a T.V. screen to show captions (for the hearing impaired)! Excellent work.
- John on May 20, 2020
One of my new favorites! So creative & the bright colors are attention grabbers.
- Claris on May 13, 2020
Wow!! You are quite the artist. The Dino certainly pops out.
- Claris on May 13, 2020
Such a cute little dinosaur. Very creative & the paint variation technique is terrific.
- Claris on May 13, 2020
Beautiful! The roses & leaves are so detailed that it looks as if you could reach out & pluck one. The variation in the background color is perfect. I see such maturity in your work!
- Claris on May 13, 2020
Awesome! I think this is my new favorite. It is so realistic. Great work!
- Linnann (Mother) on May 9, 2020
Beautiful as any go the roses in my garden! Excellent attention to detail and what vibrant color. Truly one of my favorites!!
- Katharine on April 29, 2020
The Three Crosses on top make me wonder if this is a Christmas Cake; like a birthday cake for Jesus. Or maybe an Easter Cake; a ReBirth Day Cake as it were.
- Aron on April 27, 2020
Makes me feel like every day is Valentine’s Day. Great work.
- Aron on April 27, 2020
I enjoyed watching you create this Dino and his egg. The use of salt on the water color gave such a cool effect. I like the contrast of the round and jagged edges. Also the contrast of two of my favorite colors!
- Linnann (Mother) on April 26, 2020
Your otter makes me feel like we’re at the aquarium watching a silly otter play in the water.
- Linnann (Mother) on April 26, 2020
Great symmetry. I enjoy the unique design on each layer. Great work on the crosses. I also like the mermaid scales.
- Linnann (Mother) on April 26, 2020
Your roses are beautiful! I love your interpretation of one my my favorite artist, Monet. Well done!!
- Linnann (Mother) on April 26, 2020
Love it, and there were three crosses! Well done.
- John on April 26, 2020
This is my new favorite!! The baby dinosaur represents a new type of rebirth & renewal of life. Colors are amazing & blending colors & shades on top of each other is quite an accomplishment. Keep painting!!!
- Claris on April 26, 2020
This piece shows that you are maturing in your artistic ability. The bird behind the limb & the snake behind the grass is so realistic. Keep up the good work!!
- Claris on April 26, 2020
So cute!! Good job on the three-dimension aspect. The color variation & swirls on the water add a real-life touch.
- Claris on April 26, 2020
Hi Grace, Your Jungle picture has warm and relaxing colors yet the excitement of that tropical bird in the tree. It reminds me of the Ambonia King parrots that your grandmother had at one time. I hope to find a picture to show you. Well done! John
- John on April 8, 2020
I appreciate the use of foreground object obstruction. It shows a level of sophistication rarely seen in 1st grade art. Welcome to the jungle.
- Aron on April 1, 2020
I’ll entitle this artful interpretation as “Spring Is Bursting Out.” I enjoy the colors and vision of activity.
- John on March 19, 2020
Here we see beautiful and exotic pisces of the deep above some weaving sea bottom strands of aquatic flora, fairly deep in the darker blue with lighter hues as one peers upward to the surface. This work is a treasure of creation and nature!
- John on March 12, 2020
This has to be God's overarching love for all of humanity and creation including animals and plants which have yet to emerge in Spring. What a glorious creation, Grace!
- John on March 12, 2020
So bright and vibrant; I feel as though I could snatch them right off the canvas and eat them up like Goldfish Crackers. Yummy
- Aron on March 4, 2020
Light can only penetrate water to a depth of about 656 feet and yet we can experience entirely new worlds of life and color just beneath the surface of the waves. This piece captures the vibrant hues of marine life hovering over verdant kelp beds set against the body azure of briny water. As light penetrates water, the artist skillfully penetrates my soul.
- Aron on February 29, 2020
This peace is concentrated sunshine, rainbows and unicorn kisses all in one piece of art. If art is that which evokes a feeling then this is art at is highest expression. How can anyone look at this piece and not feel happy. I say “Jolly Good” to the artist.
- Aron on March 4, 2020
Such nice art!! You’ve done a great job in incorporating different colors. And the yellow heart really stands out amongst all the shades of pink, making your 3-D piece really special.
- Claris on February 29, 2020
I think I have a new favorite! Great work - I love the colors of the fish against the background.
- Linnann (Mother) on February 6, 2020
This is one of my favorites! I love you choice of colors - mixing pastels and primary colors. And, it’s interpretation depends on one’s imagination. You are doing well. Nanny
- Claris on February 6, 2020
What a great way of creating beautiful artwork using differing circle sizes and colors. Keep doing what you love. I love you bunches, Nanny
- Claris on February 6, 2020
I would title this one name tag left on a table in a busy coffee shop. I love it. How we can so often lose our identity in the day to day shuffle of life.
- Aron on February 6, 2020
I appreciate the bold use of primary colors in this piece. Bravo Grace
- Aron on February 6, 2020
As a lifelong fan of Vincent van Gogh and post-impressionism in general; I have a great appreciation for the artists interpretation of this iconic piece. While I would enjoy more work of this genre, I hope that her attempts to honor this celebrated artists work remains on canvas and that her ears remain unscathed.
- Aron on December 11, 2019
Fascinating combination of colors and textures. I did not see the title for this piece of work though enjoy it.
- John on December 11, 2019
Amazing blend of color and textures, Grace. You have talent! G-paw John
- John on November 27, 2019
Amazing blend of color and textures, Grace. You have talent! G-paw John
- John on November 27, 2019
Oh Starry Night! When I saw your drawing, it brought me so much joy. How lovely! I enjoy all your artwork, but I think I have a new favorite.
- Linnann (Mother) on November 21, 2019
This is such a nice piece. I like the way you expressed your thoughts with complementary colors & various shapes. This would be a nice addition to a library or office wall.
- Claris, aka Nanny on November 21, 2019
I see in this a blue-collar, working class highball glass on a field of conservative red coming together to toast with a stemless martini glass indicative of the well healed on a field of progressive blue. The purple in-between symbolizing the place where red and blue come together. A powerful symbol of how people of good "spirits" can come together in harmony. Cheers!
- Aron on November 14, 2019
I am immediately struck by the use of gold and amber and honey against the sapphire and emerald background. It is as if the Pumpkin is an island of lustrous metals, gold and copper and bronze, floating in a sea of azure and verdant gemstones.
- Aron on November 14, 2019
Hallmark should be so lucky to have such a subtle and succinct expression of the spirit of the holiday as this. Not since Olaf has a snowman so warmed my heart. If art is that which creates an emotion in its audience then this is the very definition of art.
- Aron on November 14, 2019
With this work I am put in mind of a resting bear as seen through the eyes of Pablo Picasso. The famous Spanish artist was quoted as saying "Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once she grows up." Never has that been more true than in the work we see here. Bravo Grace; never unlearn your wonder and never censor your vision.
- Aron on November 14, 2019
Love the fall colors against the deep blue background.
- Katharine on October 19, 2019
Very creative! Can’t wait to see more! Aunt Kitty
- Katharine on October 19, 2019
This has to be my very favorite! I love the heart & the snowflakes. Your color choices and shading are nice. Nanny
- Claris on October 19, 2019
Grace, What I LOVE the most about your 1st Snowman (Snowlady or Snowgirl) is the giant heart with arms reaching out to HUG! She has the classic carrot nose, pieces of coal or dark rock for mouth and teeth, scarf, and a lovely shock of golden hair. She must be casting out happy snowflake wishes or prayers above the flag she has planted. Is she wearing ear muffs or listening to music? This is a most creative work of art.
- John on October 19, 2019
Do I see a little frog and a dragonfly trying to enter the three strands of the pony-tail hair of that cute little glue person? Fascinating composition!
- John on October 8, 2019
1st Cloud Study reveals a harmonious blending of subdued colors. This could be a cloud of aquatic newborn sting rays in the deep blue waters arising from some pink coral sand. I LOVE it.
- John on October 8, 2019
This LOG suggests homes for many creatures from bugs to birds or maybe even a little furry animal. Logs have much to offer!
- John on October 8, 2019
I’m very impressed with your art abilities. The vibrant colors & contrasting colors really pops. The different color shades on the pumpkin give it a realistic look. And, are there people standing around the pumpkin admiring it?
- Claris on October 8, 2019
Love the pumpkin art. Nice blend of orange, red & yellow. It helps me feel ready for fall and excited for cooler weather.
- Linnann (Mother) on October 4, 2019
Very dark and post modern. It conjures thoughts of artists trapped in Berlin, Germany before the fall of the Berlin Wall. This feeling of being small in a dark place. Having your color struggle against the ubiquitous darkness of oppression.
- Aron Collins on September 28, 2019
It puts me in mind of something out of the New Orleans french quarter of the early 1980's. Laissez les bons temps roulez!
- Aron Collins on September 28, 2019
This would look great framed in a dark study with honey colored light all around.
- Aron Collins on September 28, 2019
This one is my wife's favorite. Très magnifique!
- Aron Collins on September 28, 2019
i like this looks like a bear on its side.
- Aron Collins on September 28, 2019