Logan35772's Comments (21)

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Below are comments about Logan35772's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hey Logan, That picture really popped when I first say it. Very interesting and I can tell that it took some time to do. I love you, Grammy
- Grammy on June 12, 2024
O Logan, I like the snowmen putting the star on the tree. The bottom one must be very strong. I love you ??
- Grammy on June 12, 2024
Hi Logan, uncle Paul and I like your fall landscape. Especially the pumpkins. We love ?? you.
- Grammy on June 12, 2024
Hi Logan, Great job. The Nutcracker looks good. I really like seeing your artwork. I love you.0
- Grammy on June 12, 2024
Nice leaf Logan. I like the details on the edges. You have an artistic talent. I love you, Grammy
- Grammy on November 15, 2023
Logan,such beautiful art work.I love it. GOOD JOB! Love you Grauntie
- Grauntie on November 15, 2023
Dear Logan, I like the way the pine tree is in the foreground. The glow around the light is nice. I love ?? you. Grammy
- Grammy on November 15, 2023
O Logan, I really like your art. You did a great job with the reflection. Thanks, I love you, Grammy
- Grammy on February 1, 2023
Hi Logan,Love,Love,Love your artwork.Looks like it would be cozy and warm inside the cabin.Love,Auntie
- Auntie on February 1, 2023
Hi Logan, I would love to visit your cabin in the woods. It looks warm and cozy. I love you. Love, Grammy
- Grammy on February 1, 2023
Hi Logan, My heart loves your hearts. Beautiful work. I love you.??
- Grammy on February 1, 2023
Dear Logan, I loved seeing your turkey at the Thanksgiving dinner table.. It was so sad that his wing broke. You did a great job. I love you.
- Grammy on February 1, 2023
Hi Logan, Great pumpkin. It looks one that we got at the pumpkin patch last Saturday. Good job using shading. Thank your art teacher for sharing your artwork with me. Huggles and kisses , I love you :)
- Grammy on February 1, 2023
Hi Logan,l love your artwork.Your Eagle is just beautiful and just in time to celebrate the American Holiday.Love Auntie
- Grauntie on September 29, 2021
O Logan, Great job. It looks like the eagles we watched hatch here in Pittsburgh. And you know how uncle Paul likes eagles too. He likes it too. I will love you as long as the ocean waves.
- Grammy on September 29, 2021
Logan, I love the lighthouse. It reminds me of going to Cape May a little while ago with all of you. And you all played in the ocean after we climbed all the way to the top of the lighthouse. I love you across the oceans and back.
- Grammy on September 29, 2021
Hi Logan,l really love your snow globe. You did a great job! Love, Grauntie
- Grauntie on May 5, 2021
Hi Logan, Who but you could draw such a good owl? I love you. Grammy
- Grammy on March 10, 2021
Hi Logan, Great robot picture. It reminds me of your lego guy. I love you.
- Grammy on March 10, 2021
Logan,I just love your artwork.Is that you standing on the side checking out that Pot of Gold? Love you,Grauntie
- Grauntie on March 10, 2021
Hi Logan,l love your Santa,he looks like he is ready to give a Christmas ?? hug to all the boys and girls this year. Love,Grauntie
- Grauntie on March 10, 2021