Chloe521's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Chloe521's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Chloe, This is beautiful!!!!! I think Mom should frame this one. I love that you send me your pictures it makes me smile when I am at work. Love you oodles and oodles. Nana
- on April 12, 2008
Chloe, I really like this picture. It reminds me of the pretty trees in the fall. The fall is one of my favorite times of the year. I am so proud of you keep on doing your artwork. Love Nana and Pa
- on February 14, 2008
Beautiful! It looks like stained glass!
- on December 13, 2007
Chloe, this is a really nice picture. Is this your house? I think your artwork that you did yesterday of the pointsettas should be in here. What do ya think? Love you, Nana and Pa
- on December 13, 2007