Paris to New York wonder where your art will take you next. Good job!
- Sally on April 24, 2024
Very unique! You are very creative. Love your projects!
- Sally on April 24, 2024
How unique!!! You are so creative!!
- Sally on April 24, 2024
Keep up your creative side!!
- Sally on April 24, 2024
You have a great eye for color choices! Really like this! Sally
- Sally on January 31, 2024
Love your explanation of your beautiful picture!!
- Sally on January 3, 2024
Oooo! I like that! I have one Daddy made!
- Sally on April 26, 2023
If you must go to outer space.... don't forget to come home! We will miss you! Love you! Nana Sally
- Sally on February 22, 2023
Look at that. So pretty!
- Mom on February 15, 2023
So creative, love the colors.
- Mom on February 15, 2023
Love the giraffe. You are amazing at drawing.
- Mom on February 15, 2023
So colorful, love it
- Mom on February 15, 2023
This is a great picture! I love it, can’t wait to see this one when you bring it home.
- Mom on February 15, 2023
This makes me want to go on vacation to the beach.
- Tia (Mother) on January 24, 2023
This is beautiful! I love your work.
- Tia (Mother) on January 24, 2023
Joy! What a great word. You are a joy to have as a daughter. Love you
- Tia (Mother) on January 24, 2023
This is sooo cute. Love it
- Tia (Mother) on January 24, 2023
You are so creative! I love your art work.
- Tia (Mother) on January 24, 2023
Jaycee, I like your new friend!
- Sally on January 24, 2023
How appropriate for the Christmas season! Joy is what you bring to all who know you!! Could represent Jesus, Others and You! Thank you for creating this picture! Nana Sally
- Sally on December 7, 2022
Your mind is always in a creative mode! So pleased with your discretion of this pro!!
- Sally on May 4, 2022
Looks a lot like your house! Love paint color! Road is truly that long!! Love, NANA & PAPA
- Sally on February 2, 2022
You are so creative. Love the purple frog.
- Tia (Mother) on April 20, 2021
You are so creative. Love the purple frog.
- Tia (Mother) on April 20, 2021
A beautiful flower! So creative
- Tia (Mother) on March 17, 2021
That is really neat!
- Tia (Mother) on March 17, 2021
I love this Jaycee. You did amazing work.
- Tia (Mother) on March 16, 2021
You did amazing Jaycee. I love it!
- Tia (Mother) on December 1, 2020
Looks like your spider is happy to be hanging around! Love your artwork!! Nana & Papa Farley
- Sally on November 4, 2020
I love this Jaycee! The colors are beautiful and fun you did such a great job!
- Tia (Mother) on November 2, 2020
Good job
- Dave on October 28, 2020
Looks like you have taken up portrait painting. Good job
- Dave on October 28, 2020
Alphabet soup. Good job looks GOOD!
- Dave on October 28, 2020
Jaycee you are doing a wonderful job on your art work. Keep it up girl!
- Dave on October 28, 2020
That is beautiful.
- Tia (Mother) on October 20, 2020
I love it! Reminds me of the Purple People Eater. You are so creative.
- Tia (Mother) on October 20, 2020
Jaycee, Papa and Nana Farley think you are VERY creative! Keep up the good work. Love you! Nana
- Sally on April 8, 2020
Good job Jaycee! I love your picture with the cardinal- bird! You did a good job! Love you - Nana
- Dixie on February 19, 2020
Oh I love this picture, it beautiful!
- Tia (Mother) on November 13, 2019
This picture looks like one you might have made with Nana’s craft box. I really like it! You used a lot of colors. I bet you had fun making all the pictures. GOOd JOB!!!!
- Dixie on November 13, 2019
Your very creative and I love your artwork. Very good job Jaycee