Mac says you are thinking like an engineer! I say you are very creative!
- Nan on October 2, 2024
I want you to be sure and show me this! Does he make the basket???
- Nan on April 17, 2024
Looks like you are coming out of that stump! You always come up with something imaginative!
- Nan on March 6, 2024
This is so cute! Your imagination amazes me!!
- Nan on March 6, 2024
Very good drawing, Declan!! You just get better and better!
- Nan on February 21, 2024
I love the panoramic view! You are getting good at perspective!
- Nan on February 21, 2024
Great work and gorgeous color!!!
- Nan on February 21, 2024
I need an artist’s statement on this to tell me what you were thinking, but I see CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!
- Nan on February 21, 2024
How creative you are!!
- Nan on November 24, 2023
Cool idea!
- Nan on November 24, 2023
Your imagination is awesome!!!!
- Nan on October 12, 2023
- Ban on October 12, 2023
Very clever how you provided the full tabletop span using the short lengths. That and the mix of colors make it visually interesting. Nice work indeed!
- Mac on October 12, 2023
Very original! You are thinking like an engineer!!
- Nan on October 12, 2023
Declan you again nicely captured a sense of motion. Keep up the good work.
- Mac on July 28, 2023
So good! Love the whole series of football players!
- Mac(fan) on July 28, 2023
You are really getting good with the human figures!
- Mac(fan) on July 28, 2023
Great action shot, Declan!
- Mac(fan) on July 28, 2023
This is such an industrious drawing. I think it is wonderful!! You are excellent at drawing people, and to be able to show action is really something! I am very proud of you for two reasons. One, you had an idea and didn’t shy away from the difficulty of it, and two, you did such a great job of it. I love it!!!
- Nan on May 19, 2023
Declan, this is really a “wow” picture! You did a GREAT job choosing and drawing things we associate with Texas and putting them together on the flag background! Love it!!
- Yaya on May 19, 2023
I remember you’re working on this! Good job, Declan! You always try your best, and it shows!
- Nan on May 19, 2023
Love this design! Looks like fun!
- Yaya on May 19, 2023
Very detailed. You like 3D work. Kind of like Legos! Great job!
- Nan on May 19, 2023
You’re going to have a whole Beanland when you get done! Imaginative, good work!
- Nan on May 19, 2023
Your imagination is something else!!! Too cute!
- Nan(fan) on February 15, 2023
I am anxious to hear the details on this. The black sky is very dramatic!
- Nan on January 18, 2023
This is a keeper forever! You need to put it out for decoration every Christmas from now on! It has so much personality…just like YOU!
- Nan on December 7, 2022
That is absolutely adorable! You KNOW Mac loves it because he went to the University of Texas to college! He is a true longhorn fan. Your creativity and imagination is amazing!! I love what you named it. So clever!!
- Nan on December 7, 2022
Only you would think of candy! Cute!
- Nan on September 22, 2022
What an awesome imagination you have!! This is so wonderful!
- Nan on September 14, 2022
Cool,Declan! Such imagination!!
- Nan on September 14, 2022
Hey, Declan! I’m thinking about snow too with all this heat! You captured it!
- Nan on September 14, 2022
You put lots of detail into this one! Soon, I want you to tell me the story behind this. You did a great job on it!
- Nan on June 8, 2022
I know what this!! Cool, Declan!
- Nan on June 8, 2022
Declan, this is so clever! I like the way it is a sculpture but also it looks like it could be a game you can play! Nice!!
- Yaya on June 8, 2022
So very cool!!! You have a great imagination!
- Nan on June 8, 2022
I like that about your artwork, too, Declan! You put a lot of thought into this and then you represented your thoughts very well! Great job!
- Nan on June 8, 2022
This is gorgeous, Declan! It needs a frame! You did a great job!
- Nan on May 26, 2022
This is really good, Declan! That dinosaur has lots of imaginative personality!!
- Nan on March 8, 2022
So cool! I want you to tell me how you did this!!!
- Nan on January 19, 2022
Love it, Declan!!
- Nan on January 19, 2022
Declan, that is adorable…I bet it took a lot of work!! Great creativity! It makes me smile!!
- Nan on December 8, 2021
This is very cool, Declan! Is is SC???
- Nan on September 8, 2021
Mac would love this!!
- Nan on September 8, 2021
I like this, Declan!
- Nan on September 8, 2021
This has such great detail! Good job!!
- Nan on September 8, 2021
This is SO good. I’m glad I got to see it in person!
- Nan on June 7, 2021
Declan, this is SO GOOD! Your drawing skill is great!
- Nan on June 7, 2021
Good weaving, Declan!
- Nan on June 7, 2021
Wow, Declan! this is very realistic! You are really getting good with your drawings! Very good observation skills!!
- Nan on June 7, 2021
Wow, Declan! this is very realistic! You are really getting good with your drawings! Very good observation skills!!
- Nan on June 7, 2021
Penguins? Cute! Full of personality! Just like you are!
- Nan on June 7, 2021
Declan,that is really cool!! It reminds me of a spider web! I know how much you like spooky stuff! You did a great job!
- Nan on June 7, 2021
This sure is cute, Declan! I love it when your art tells a story!
- Nan on April 7, 2021
Arrowhead? Neat!
- Nan on November 25, 2020
This is so awesome! Want to hear about how you did this one.
- Nan on November 25, 2020
This is a nice collage you did!
- Nan on November 25, 2020
I love your WOW drawing! All I can say is wow! Love that happy fish!
- Nan on November 25, 2020
I like your drawing! It reminds me of summertime. Is this what you did in SC? Great job!
- Nan on November 25, 2020
I feel the same East you do, Declan! Snakes Stay Away! You dodo a good job on your art though!!
- Nan on November 10, 2020
So sweet and perfect!
- Nan on September 30, 2020
Declan, I love the colors you chose! And of course YOU included a cookie! What kind is it?
- Nan on September 30, 2020
You really know your way around legos! Your boat looks ready to go out on the water and catch fish. I like the way your fish looks like a fish but in a fun, abstract way.
- Yaya on June 17, 2020
Great job, Declan! It’s all good but I LOVE the fish!!
- Nan on June 17, 2020
These are So good, Declan! I love the details you did! Great job!
- Nan on May 15, 2020
Cute! You’re a funny boy with a great imagination!
- Nan on May 15, 2020
Very pretty! Such a good idea to use different textures, one soft and fluffy, the other hard and smooth! I love it!
- Yaya on May 15, 2020
So pretty and Spring-y!!!!
- Nan on April 18, 2020
I knew as soon as I saw this that it was a STARRY NIGHT! Mac loves it! Will you make us one for our upstairs hall? Great job, Declan VanGogh!!
- Nan on April 14, 2020
Great carpet design! I love the patterns and the design!!
- Nan on April 14, 2020
Love it, love it, love it! Your fruit looks delicious!!
- Nan on April 14, 2020
This is outstanding!! I love your colors choices and how neatly you glued it down! You are my little artist ?? I need a new artwork for upstairs!
- Nan on February 29, 2020
Very cool!!
- Nan on February 29, 2020
Your color choices and how neatly you glued them down makes this outstanding! You are my little artist?? I need a new artwork for my wall upstairs!
- Nan on February 29, 2020
You mixed a great orange!!! Love his realistic nose and mouth!
- Nan on December 18, 2019
is that a bug? He sure has a lot of arms and he looks busy! I love all the detail you included. I can’t wait to see more of your work! You are doing a wonderful job!!
- Nan on December 18, 2019
That is an excellent fish! Even the color of it looks real; and the texture for his scales looks neat! This is a very realistic fish, Declan! You should b proud of this!
- Nan on December 18, 2019
Your spooky picture! That is a great house using all the shapes like you did. It looks like the lights are on inside with the yellow windows! You did a great job with your favorite thing to draw!
- Nan on December 18, 2019
It is raining outside but YOU see the rainbow! That is such a good way to think. I see the sun and the wind, too! Very good job, Declan!
- Nan on December 18, 2019
I love his line study and a rocket is the perfect thing to choose to show all the different kinds of lines! You are turning into a real artist, Declan!
- Nan on December 18, 2019
Primary colors, right? I remember you telling me about them. I need one of these to frame in my upstairs hallway! Great job!
- Nan on December 18, 2019
I love this, Declan! It is so BOLD and colorful! I know how hard you work on your art pieces at my house so I am really going to enjoy seeing all the pieces you do at school!