Parker11799's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Parker11799's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Awww, Parky!!! Love this one in natural colors. You took your time I do believe! Bet we’ll see a LOT of these guys at Auntie’s Wedding at Riverbanks Zoo in September!?? Great job!??
- Grandma on April 16, 2021
Ohhhhh, Parky! I LOVE this one! Your love for animals shines through! Bet we’ll see plenty of these guys at Auntie’s wedding at Riverbanks Zoo in September. Great piece of art!
- Grandma on April 16, 2021
Heyyyy, Parky-Larky! Grandma loves this cool piece of art! Can’t wait til my order comes in, so you can tell me all about it! Know you’re getting ex tied about Spring Break! I love you, Big Guy!
- Charli on March 31, 2021
I like this castle!!!
- Dad on February 22, 2021
Cant wait to go to the pumpkin patch again great job on this one Park!!!
- Dad on February 22, 2021
Bright colors here looks great!
- Dad on February 22, 2021
Turtle man!
- Dad on February 22, 2021
Icy looks great with his Christmas Village!
- Dad on February 22, 2021
I bet you would you guys love ice cream!
- Dad on February 22, 2021
Wow, Parky! This is a lovely piece of your art. Grandma almost feels a bit chilly just seeing the snow and the bare birch trees. I can tell that you took your time, carefully marking every ‘notch’ on each tree. Did you know that some people actually WASH their birch trees in the winter to make them look even brighter? Yep, they surely do, using a bit of liquid soap and a bucket of water. Washing makes them glow an even brighter white! Love you and can’t wait to see your next piece, Grandma
- Charli on November 13, 2020
Wow, Parky! This is a lovely piece of your art. Grandma almost feels a bit chilly just seeing the snow and the bare birch trees. I can tell that you took your time, carefully marking every ‘notch’ on each tree. Did you know that some people actually WASH their birch trees in the winter to make them look even brighter? Yep, they surely do, using a bit of liquid soap and a bucket of water. Washing makes them glow an even brighter white! Love you and can’t wait to see your next piece, Grandma
- Charli on November 13, 2020
Wow, Parky! This is a lovely piece of your art. Grandma almost feels a bit chilly just seeing the snow and the bare birch trees. I can tell that you took your time, carefully marking every ‘notch’ on each tree. Did you know that some people actually WASH their birch trees in the winter to make them look even brighter? Yep, they surely do, using a bit of liquid soap and a bucket of water. Washing makes them glow an even brighter white! Love you and can’t wait to see your next piece, Grandma
- Charli on November 13, 2020
Awesome, Parker! Love the new artwork!
- Christina (Mother) on October 27, 2020
Absolutely love this medium!! Great job on land formations, Parker! Your teacher must be awesome! So proud of you and your work. I love you, Grandma McLeod
- Charli on March 20, 2020
Hi Parker! Grandma can’t WAIT to hear all about this great piece of art! Have a super day. I LOVE you, Sweet Boy!
- Charli on March 15, 2020
Parker, Grandma just loves your latest Art! You are so very talented. Really do like the ‘shadow effect’ that you created. Wow!
- Charli on February 13, 2020
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