Ellie7635's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Ellie7635's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Ellie, I love your superhero self portrait! I especially like the way the eyes are looking to the side, like they are checking out what's going on over there! Nice drawing!
- Linda Hampton (Mema) on November 25, 2020
If all insects were this colorful we would have a much greater appreciation for them.
- Michael on November 18, 2020
Hi Ellie.  I love this bug.  You know how much I like insects.  Did you give it a name?  It looks like it's from the beetle family. I do have a book on insects which I will give to you. I'm enjoying all of.your art work.I like all the detail that you put into each picture.  Keep up the good work   Love you bunches. Nunu X0
- Nunu on November 13, 2020
I love your imagination drawing Ellie! I love that the sun has a smile and the flowers and trees add so much!
- Mema on November 4, 2020
Hi Ellie! I love your realistic face. Is this drawing of you? I love the heart on her shirt and the cute cheeks! Love you!!
- Mema on November 4, 2020
Ellie I love your artwork! The happy smile and eye lashes are great! I am wondering which pet you drew. Have a happy day! Mema
- Linda on December 4, 2019
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