Alexander26371's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Alexander26371's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow, I love this one. Good job kiddo.
- Auntie Jenny on December 8, 2023
This looks very interesting. Are you growing the plants on a stone? Gramma ??
- Debbie on December 8, 2023
Very, very, cool! I love the perspective of the magnified area. ???????????? Gramma
- Debbie on December 8, 2023
This is soooo cool! I love him! Very creative. Love you, Gramma ??
- Debbie on December 8, 2023
I love this picture! Great use of color! Great job, Gramma
- Debbie on December 8, 2023
Great Job Alex!! Very proud of you! Love you, Gramma ????
- Debbie on December 8, 2023
Alex, I love your new picture! Great job sweetie. Love you bunches. Gramma
- Gramma on December 8, 2023
I love your artwork Alex! I Love you.
- Jennifer on December 8, 2023
I e job Sweetie! Love you ??
- Gramma on March 11, 2020