Luke23415's Comments (81)

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Below are comments about Luke23415's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Luke! I hope you find that pot at the end of a rainbow! Love you, Grandma O.
- Carol Grandma O on February 17, 2025
Hi Luke! Well that’s awesome!! Does it reflect the Cleveland Browns! Keep doing great artwork! Love you, Grandma O.
- Carol Grandma O on February 17, 2025
Hi Luke! These snowman friends is such a nice memory of you and your buddies! You did a great job on this but I have one question. What is the blue and black on the snowman? Haha! Awesome job Luke, keep up on the great artwork! Love you!!!
- Carol Grandma O on December 23, 2024
Hey Luke, great job on your flower close up! You can tell it’s fall, the flower shows signs of the flower beginning to die off for the winter! You did a great picture there buddy!!!! Love, Grandma O.
- Carol Grandma O on December 23, 2024
Luke I LOVE your SPONGE BOB resort!!! We should totalllly go here!!! ;) Great work buddy! Keep up the amazing drawings for me and taking me to these creative places! LOVE IT!!!!
- Sandra (Mother) on October 3, 2024
Great job Luke!! Keep up the great drawings!! Love, Grandma O.
- Grandma O on June 6, 2024
Luke you did an awesome job on the place you want to go! Las Vegas is a lot of fun, you have a few years to wait though! Great drawing Luke, you always continue to amaze me! Love you buddy!! Grandma O.
- Grandma O on June 6, 2024
Hi Luke! I can almost hear the music from the guitar! Nice job !! Love, Grandma O.
- Grandma O on March 6, 2024
Sweet guitar Luke!!! Love it bud! Great art!! Keep up the AMAZING work!!
- Sandra (Mother) on February 19, 2024
Luke- I love your coil flowerpot!!! I still have ALL of the ceramic projects that Jacob made and I am SO excited to see you create a bunch of new things for us! You are so talented buddy! I am so proud of all the hard work you do! Keep it up! MOM
- Sandra (Mother) on February 13, 2024
Luke that looks awesome! Now you can get a plant and watch it grow!! You did a great job! Love you, Grandma O.
- Grandma O on February 13, 2024
Great job on your artwork!!! You never seize to amaze me!!! Keep up the good work!!! Love you Luke! Love Grandma O.
- Grandma O on December 18, 2023
Well Luke, we knew it was going to happen! Darn snow! Oh well it is pretty and fun to play in! Let’s go! Get this season over with but enjoy the fun when playing in the snow!!! Good job on the picture Luke! Love ya bunches my buddy!!! Love, Grandma O.
- Carol Grandma O on November 22, 2023
Uh oh! It’s that time of the year!! You better watch out for that spider!! Eek! Keep him there! Great drawing Luke! So proud of you! Love Grandma O.
- Carol Grandma O on October 11, 2023
Hi Luke! Not sure what we have here but it is very colorful and neat! Tell me what the picture is! Love you!! Grandma O.
- Carol Grandma O on October 11, 2023
Luke that is so interesting! It looks like an arm and maybe some birds possibly onions!! Haha! That is really neat!! Keep up the good drawing throughout the year! Love ya buddy!!
- Carol Grandma O on September 20, 2023
So cool! It is Crayola crayons !!! Love it buddy!! Keep ‘‘em coming! I’m so ready for more!! Love you, Grandma O.
- Carol Grandma O on September 20, 2023
There’s a lot of things this could be Luke! First I thought it was crayons in a sharpener, or it could be toothpaste that’s squished in the middle! Am I right??!!?? Nice job trying to trick me!!! Love you, Grandma O.
- Carol Grandma O on September 20, 2023
Ok, is this a nighttime bird or owl? I’m wondering….. Love You, Grandma O.
- Grandma O. on May 15, 2023
Rudolph guided you to a very nice drawing!! Hope he got Santa to you! Love you, Grandma O.
- Grandma O. on May 15, 2023
Luke I must have missed this one, but is this Michael Jordan? #45 was his number right? This is cool!! Love you Grandma O.
- Grandma O. on May 15, 2023
Luke this is awesome! You are so talented, Keep Up the good work! Love you Grandma O.
- Grandma O. on May 15, 2023
Awesome picture Luke! Is this a Cavalier? You did great!! Love, Grandme O.
- Grandma O. on May 15, 2023
Hi Luke! Your neon animals are really neat!! Every art project you do is so interesting and I love them!!! Good job buddy!!! Love you, Grandma O.
- Carol (Grandma O) on March 8, 2023
Awesome job Luke! I can’t wait to see this in person! I’m so proud of you! Keep up the good work! Love you, Grandma O.
- Carol (Grandma O) on March 8, 2023
Hi Luke! Your penguin is awesome! Does it waddle like me? Haha!! You’re turning into a Picasso with each art project you do! Can’t wait to see the next one! Love, Grandma O
- Carol (Grandma O) on January 25, 2023
Awesome work Luke! Grandma Carebear.
- Grandma Carebear on January 25, 2023
Merry Christmas with this beautiful picture! The bulbs are so neat, bright and colorful!!! Love how awesome you are at art! Good job Luke! Love Grandma O.
- Carol (Grandma O) on December 19, 2022
Luke I hope one of these birds dont S%&* on dad's head!!!! HAHAHA!!!! This is great work buddy!!! Keep it up. I am so proud of you and love ALLLLL of your art work!
- Sandra (Mother) on November 23, 2022
Hi Luke! This is a really cool picture! Are those birds like oragamis? You are doing such a great job in art!! Keep up the good work! Love you!! Love, Grandma O.
- Carol on November 23, 2022
Hi Luke! This is so cool, a pumpkin patch! Great work! Love, Grandma O.
- Carol (Grandma O) on November 7, 2022
Hi Luke! This is my best part of school starting and that is seeing artwork! Is this of the solar system and planets ready to explore other planets? It’s very good and I can’t wait for the next picture of your artwork! Love you, Grandma O.
- Carol (Grandma O) on October 27, 2022
Hi Luke! This looks so yummy, it’s a lot of favorites of mine!! You can make me a sandwich anytime. Keep up the good work Luke! Can’t wait to see your next art work!!Love you!!
- Carol (Grandma O.) on October 27, 2022
Way to go Luke!
- Grandma Carebear on September 14, 2022
Luke- I don't know if I like this or the flamingo better!!! You do such nice work buddy! I love it. I hope you tell DAD to order me something cool for mothers day from here!!! hint hint. love you keep up the wonderful work. I LOVE seeing these amazing pictures and how excited you get for art!!!! GREAT WORK!!! MOM
- Sandra (Mother) on April 22, 2022
Luke what a great picture! It looks so beautiful and what we are all ready for summer, warmth and flowers! Is this a picture of camp? The blue sky, moon and stars? Looks so nice!!! Great job Luke!!! Love, Grandma O.
- Carol (Grandma O) on April 22, 2022
Very good work!!!
- Grandma Carebear on April 6, 2022
Very nice Luke!
- Grandma Carebear on April 6, 2022
Luke, this is such a nice portrait of you!!
Love you, Grandma O.
- Carol (Grandma O) on April 6, 2022
Luke! I love your self-portrait~ very cool bud!
- Spice, Taylor on April 6, 2022
Luke the Flamingo is great!!! It’s a good sign of spring! You did an awesome job with drawing it and the colors are just perfect!!! Can’t wait to see your next art project!!!! Love, Grandma O.
- Carol (Grandma O) on February 12, 2022
LUKE! This one is by far my favorite! Keep up the great work!
- Spice, Taylor on February 11, 2022
Ribbit!! Ribbit!! Great picture Luke! The frog is on a Lilly pad in the water hiding!! You did an awesome job!! Keep drawing, I love seeing your artwork!! Love Grandma O.
- Carol (Grandma O) on February 9, 2022
Luke, this is so abstract and cool! It reminds me of a Mondrian painting! You should google his work for inspiration :)
- Spice, Taylor on February 9, 2022
Luke! I love Freddy the Frog! He looks like he is having such an awesome time in the pond you made for him!
- Spice, Taylor on February 9, 2022
Luke those snowmen look like they are enjoying the cold and snowy weather! Soon you and Ella will be able to enjoy it outside too! Grandma O. Is staying away from the snow!! But when it comes I hope you have fun and build your own snowman!! Love you buddy! Grandma O.
- Carol on December 8, 2021
Luke your Christmas cookie looks so nice!! Santa will be very proud of your artwork! I know I sure am proud of you! Keep up the good work of drawing such nice pictures!!Love you, Grandma O.
- Carol (Grandma O) on November 24, 2021
Your art is so colorful, I can tell you really like art. Keep up the good wprk!
- Grandma Carebear on November 1, 2021
Luke, your picture is just awesome! So many different heights to buildings and their shapes are all different! Looks like you are doing very well in art! I’m very proud of you! Keep them coming! I love seeing all your artwork! Love, Grandma O.
- Carol on October 27, 2021
Wow!! Bright colors and I see shapes !!! Looking good,Luke!!
- Carol (Grandma O) on September 27, 2021
Luke great job on this art project! It is so nice, just like looking at trees in the park area! Keep up the good work! Grandma O.
- Carol (Grandma O) on September 27, 2021
Luke- I can't wait until you bring this fall pic home!!! I absolutely LOVE it and so excited to put this one up for fall!!! Great work buddy!!! You are so good in ART!!!! Keep up the wonderful work! MoM
- Sandra (Mother) on September 22, 2021
Great job Luke, keep up the good work!!!
- Grandma Carebear on September 22, 2021
Great job Luke, keep up the good work!!
- Grandma Carebear on September 22, 2021
Luke that is just awesome!! Keep up the good job as an artist!! Love Grandma O
- Carol (Grandma O) on September 22, 2021
Wow Luke you just keep getting better and better at your art, keep up the great work!
- Grandma Carebear on September 15, 2021
Wow Luke you just get better every time you do your art! Gr eat job!
- Grandma Carebear on September 15, 2021
You are our true artist, I love the colors within the colors. Keep up the great work, I look forward to seeing more!
- Grandma Carebear on September 9, 2021
I love your covid bubbles .. could you make me a gta painting with Biden getting robbed by trump
- Uncle Nick on September 9, 2021
Luke Nice new art piece Keep up the good work !!!
- Courtney on September 9, 2021
Awesome job on your bubble art work! It really looks cool!!can’t wait to see your next project!!Love you! Grandma O.
- Carol on September 9, 2021
Luke you are doing an excellent job in Art!! I can tell you enjoy it! Keep up the good work! Grandma O. Loves you!
- Carol on September 9, 2021
Well Luke it looks like your off and running into great art work!! It’s great!!! Keep up the good drawings and colorful designs! I love it! Love, Grandma O.
- Carol (Grandma O) on August 25, 2021
Luke I this this!! It’s amazing I’m taking this!!!
- Courtney aka Nini on June 2, 2021
Luke You are so talented this is such a great picture. Keep up the good work. Love you Buddy Nini
- Courtney on May 26, 2021
Luke I love all the colors on this! Is that the ocean with a sunset sky? I’m curious as to what you have drawn! Great job!! Love Grandma O.
- Carol(fan) on May 7, 2021
Luke, wow! This is awesome!! You’ll have to tell me the story about it next time I see you, ok? It’s even patriotic, in red, white and blue! Keep up the good work!! Love, Grandma O.
- Carol(fan) on May 7, 2021
Luke, what an awesome picture of the guitar! Maybe someday you’ll be in a band and you’ll be my Little Rock star!! Great job on your artwork here!! Love you buddy!!
- Carol (Grandma O) on March 31, 2021
Luke what a cute bunny! I hope he brings you lots of goodies on Easter Sunday! Your doing such a great job in Art! Keep it up Picasso!!
- Carol (Grandma O) on March 31, 2021
Luke, that’s an awesome turtle! He looks so happy in his environment and his smiling face! Keep on with the wonderful drawings! Can’t wait for your next one!
- Carol (Grandma) on February 24, 2021
Luke this is the BEST turtle I have ever seen! I love how much you love art!!! Keep up the great work buddy, you are doing awesome!!!
- Sandra (Mother) on February 22, 2021
That’s awesome Luke!!
- Carol on February 22, 2021
Luke, I love the different faces on your heart collage! They are all different and unique! I’m so happy to see your artwork!! Keep them coming!! Great job buddy!! Love Grandma O.
- Carol on January 27, 2021
Luke your picture turned out great! I love how the water colors made each bird unique! Keep up the good work! What will your next masterpiece be...hmmmm!! Good job Luke!!
- Carol (Grandma) on January 14, 2021
Luke, I just want to tell you how proud I am of you and your art drawings! The ornament you gave me at Christmas was the BEST gift I received! Grandma will always keep it as a heart tingling rememberance of your own creativity!! Thank You so much!!
- Carol on January 6, 2021
Luke, this picture you made is awesome! That snowman is perfect! Love the bright colors!!! Keep up the great drawings!!! I love seeing them. Your doing a wonderful job!! Hugs and kisses!!
- Grandma O on December 30, 2020
Luke keep up the good work! I just love seeing your artwork! What will be next? Maybe a TURKEY? I’ll be waiting to see your next masterpiece!!! Love Grandma O.
- Carol on November 11, 2020
Luke I just love all the colors and your drawing is so interesting! I was thinking of a story line for this picture! Keep up the good job and expressing your talents! Love Grandma O.
- Carol on October 29, 2020
What a great super hero you drew here! It is just amazing!!
- Carol on October 21, 2020
What a great drawing you did here Luke! Keep up the good work! Love, Grandma O.
- Carol on October 21, 2020
Luke your artwork is just fabulous!! Keep up the great work you are doing! I’m so proud of you!
- Carol O on April 1, 2020