The bird has got the word! Excellent job! Such detail! Represents a great job to precision!!
- Barbara on March 13, 2025
Waffles is looking good! Good job!!!
- Barbara on March 13, 2025
Very creative! Well done! Keep up the good work!!!
- Barbara on November 29, 2024
Is that made from clay? I like the weaving in the basket! Great job!
- Barbara on July 3, 2024
Jakob you did a phenomenal job on this bear. Represents hours of work so very meticulousy done!!! Fantastic job!!
- Barbara on February 14, 2024
Such great attention to detail as always! The player looks like he could walk right off the paper. Amazing piece!
- “B” on November 15, 2023
This was back in Nan and papa days! Very well done campaign poster! Looks just like George! Good job!!!
- Barbara on October 11, 2023
Very creative! It’s a slam dunk!
- Barbara on October 11, 2023
Awesome! And Kaukonen goes up for a dunk! Excellent!
- Barbara on April 12, 2023
That is really cool!! Is it chalk or???? I like his pointy horns!!!
- Barbara on March 29, 2023
Amazing!!! Great detail! Looks like a real shoe ready to play. Would make a great advertisement for Nike. Display in a store!!!
- Barbara on February 15, 2023
Lucas says Jakob did a good job! Titus says it’s really cool! Very colorful! Nicely done! We like it!!
- Barbara on February 15, 2023
I like it!! It looks a character from Star Wars! The googles are really cool. Your attention to detail is quite good! Great job!!
- Barbara on November 9, 2022
That’s really cool! I like the design and subject matter. Excellent!!!
- Barbara on September 28, 2022
Jakob it’s the gecko guy! I like it! The eyes are most expressive! Nice drawing!!!
- Barbara on September 21, 2022
I’m so excited to see your mountain scene on artsonia! Nicely done! Could be a mountain in Oregon! Good job!!!
- Barbara on August 31, 2022
Nicely done! As always! Like what you created!!!
- Barbara on July 28, 2021
Very creative! You made cardboard into something very innovative. Great job Jakob!!!!
- Barbara on April 28, 2021
Another awesome creation Jakob! You continue to amaze me with your artistic ability!! Great job!!!
- Barbara on March 10, 2021
Another excellent piece of artwork! Always look forward to seeing them. So very colorful. Good job jakob
- Barbara on March 10, 2021
Another excellent piece of artwork! Always look forward to seeing them. So very colorful. Good job jakob
- Barbara on March 10, 2021
Truly does depict the crazy year of 2020 that we just experienced! Your attention to detail was awesome! Great job jakob
- Barbara on February 10, 2021
Awesome comic strip! Shows a lot of time and effort went into creating this comic strip. Very creative Jakob!!! I like the colors you used!!!!!!!!!!
- Barbara on February 3, 2021
Love the colors you used!!! Very nicely done! We’re those watercolors? Nice attention to detail!!! Good job Jakob!!!
- Barbara on January 6, 2021
Jakob I really like your weaving! I like the colors that you chose to put together for the creation. Nicely done I think that your mom may have done one of these in art class when she was in seventh grade. Excellent work Jakob keep it up! Nice attention to detail!
- Barbara on January 6, 2021
Nice attention to detail. Very well proportioned. Awesome book cover. Make for an interesting start to a book!
- Barbara on January 6, 2021
Very interesting project! I like all the different squares! A lot of attention to detail! Nicely done!!
- Barbara on January 6, 2021
Nice work! Great attention to detail! Like those teeth!
- Barbara on January 6, 2021
Good attention to detail Jakob! I like the little guy getting a ride on the black panthers back! I like all the outer edges of the picture. Nicely done! B
- B on May 28, 2020
Papier-mâché is not easy to do! You made an excellent sloth! I can see him moving ever so slowly. I like the two eyes of different colors!!! Not an easy project. You did quite well!
- Barbara on February 26, 2020
Jakob it’s Yoda! He looks absolutely awesome buddy! It turned out really really well. Good work!
- Barbara on February 12, 2020
Jakob it’s Yoda! He looks absolutely awesome buddy! It turned out really really well. Good work!
- Barbara on February 12, 2020
That’s amazing Jakob! ??
- Evy on January 8, 2020
That is so cool!!! I love all the colors you chose!!! Terrific project buddy!!! Can’t wsit for the next one! Always enjoy seeing your work
- "b" on January 8, 2020
Your attention to exact details when doing this piece was nicely done. I thought it was quite unique. Good job
- "b" on January 8, 2020
Jakob that is so cool! You did an amazing job with creativity and artwork. I look forward to the next piece of art
- "b" on January 15, 2020
Excellent! Another great piece of artwork! Very creative!
- "b" on October 30, 2019
So so cool ! You are getting quite the art portfolio with all your work!!
- "b" on October 16, 2019
Once again Jakob nicely done!! You are incredibly creative! I look forward to the art show this Saturday! Good work!!!
- "b" on October 16, 2019
You are doing an amazing job! Keep up the good work! -- B
- on September 11, 2019
nicely done! Very creative! Love the work! Look forward to further artwork! Good job! -- B
- on September 11, 2019
Jakob I like it!!Nicely done. Very creative!!! Keep up the good work!! -- "b"