Levi8221's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Levi8221's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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- Jay (Father) on May 12, 2021
This is spectacular! Love you!
- Dada on May 12, 2021
So, so good, Levi. I love you!
- Dada on February 24, 2021
How cool is your origami! Great job my love!
- Amy (Mother) on September 3, 2020
Great colors, Levi!
- Dada on September 9, 2020
I love this, Levi. Great use of very different colors that look like they belong together.
- Dada on March 4, 2020
Great color of blue for the water, Levi.
- Dada on February 19, 2020
You have done another beautiful piece of art. I love the shade of blue. This is a perfect picture of winter.
- Jay (Father) on February 6, 2020
You chose great colors, Levi. This is a very good representation of Georgia O’Keefe’s style.
- Dada on December 18, 2019
This is beautiful!
- Jay (Father) on October 31, 2019