Rena214's Comments (33)

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Below are comments about Rena214's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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- Jesse (Father) on May 29, 2024
LOVE this one Rena!
- Ari on May 29, 2024
love the colors. love the the trees. love you!
- Jesse (Father) on March 5, 2024
amaaaaazing rena!
- Jesse (Father) on March 5, 2024
I love this piece! The sky of roses looks like a sunset!
- Leora (Mother) on February 6, 2024
LOVE this Renæ! Especially the use of Purple!!
- Uncle Ari on November 22, 2023
Your picture is amazing Rena! It show’s incredible motion in the water all around the tall, solid mountain. Keep up the great work!
- Sabba Henry on February 15, 2023
Dear Rena, You are really growing as an artist. Your perspective on this tree makes it look sooooo big. Good job!
- Grandma on April 13, 2022
Love this, Rena! The colors. The whimsy. The shapes. So well done. I would love to hear about what you were thinking and how you made your choices.
- Aunt Ronni on March 23, 2022
Dearest Rena, Perspective, wow! You are learning the real nitty gritty of art. It is so tempting to draw what you think you should see, rather than what you actually see. You did a great job! Keep up the great work! Love, Grandma
- Grandma on February 2, 2022
You are a wonderful artist Rena. I love seeing all your work on line and can’t wait to see them in person. I love you, Sabba
- Henry on November 17, 2021
Dear Rena , How exciting that you are learning about cubism! Your shading in this picture makes al of the items pop. You can practically see where the light is coming from. Keep on learning these techniques as your repertoire grows. Love, Grandma
- Margie on November 17, 2021
Dear Rena , How exciting that you are learning about cubism! Your shading in this picture makes al of the items pop. You can practically see where the light is coming from. Keep on learning these techniques as your repertoire grows. Love, Grandma
- Margie on November 17, 2021
Dear Rena, What an interesting picture. I like the black background. It makes the circle look opalescent. The small lines in circles make a shimmery effect. I like the concentric circles make it feel as though the picture is moving. Keep drawing!
- Grandma on May 19, 2021
I've got my eye on you!!
- Sabba on May 19, 2021
Wow! Each picture is more beautiful than the one before it!
- Sabba on May 19, 2021
Dear Rena, This eye appears as if it is looking straight through me! I am so glad you are learning about the color wheel. It will be so helpful in your choice of color palettes from now on. I also love the pointy eyelashes. Looks like a very good job of applying mascara! ??
- Grandma on May 19, 2021
I love this Rena
- Sabba on May 19, 2021
I would love to draw pictures of desserts all day long! Maybe that is why the artist has had such a long life! I love the colors you chose for the background— cool colors for a cool dessert. I also like the way you picked up those colors in the sprinkles on the ice cream.
- Grandma on May 19, 2021
This picture uses shadows very effectively. The tree looks very lonely in the dark with no leaves. My favorite part is the little shooting star. What great detail!
- Grandma on February 24, 2021
I love this picture! You really captured Charley Harper’s style. I like the detail you put in drawing the tree. The colors of the tree vs. the raccoon are beautiful together. Congratulations on a job well done! Love, Grandma
- Grandma on February 24, 2021
This picture uses my favorite colors. It makes me feel like I really know how to scuba dive and I am deep under the water. I like the detail on the fins and the tail. You are really growing your art skills!
- Grandma on January 13, 2021
Wow!! What a beautiful picture. You have become an outstanding artist. Just another reason to love you to pieces!!!! Happy Hanukkah. I love you, Sabba
- Henry on December 16, 2020
You really captured Maurice Sendak’s view of a Wild Thing. I think the teeth are his signature characteristic. I really like the way you made your wild thing look kind as well as all the detail. Good job!
- Grandma on December 16, 2020
Dear Rena, I LOVE your sunflower picture. When the page came up on my phone, it looked as though they were jumping out of the screen! You are learning so much about art. I love watching your skills grow-just like your sunflowers! Love, Grandma
- Grandma on December 9, 2020
Your choice of colors is wonderful. This makes me see the beauty in nature and I thank you so much for this. XXX Sabba
- Henry (Sabba) on November 4, 2020
What a gorgeous picture. You are a wonderful artist Rena. I LOVE seeing your creations (and I LOVE you)!! Sabba
- Henry (Sabba) on November 4, 2020
Rena, I love this piece of art. It has beautiful colors that look great together. I also like the shapes you used. They’re abstract and can represent different things - some in the real world and others in our imaginations. Keep up the great work!
- Susan(fan) on October 21, 2020
What a great picture! I can almost see the princess sitting upstairs in the turret and the dragon walking on the front path!! I love seeing your artwork and I love you dearly. :-) Sabba
- Henry (Sabba) on October 21, 2020
What a gorgeous picture! I can almost see the princess sitting upstairs in the turret and the dragon walking up the path!! You are a wonderful artist and I love you too.
- Henry on October 21, 2020
What a gorgeous picture! I can almost see the princess sitting upstairs in the turret and the dragon walking up the path!! You are a wonderful artist and I love you too.
- Sabba on October 21, 2020
Rena, I love your castle! It looks very realistic and colorful! I especially love the bricks and flags. Great job! I am so proud of you ?? Love, Mommy
- Leora (Mother) on October 7, 2020
Amazing! Just looking at this makes me want a vacation!!
- Jesse (Father) on March 3, 2020