Evan23061's Comments (57)

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Below are comments about Evan23061's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Very interesting and unique! Well done, Evan!
- Grandma and Grandpa on May 19, 2021
Cutest bugs ever!
- Nana & Pops on May 19, 2021
Good work, Evan!
- Nana & Pops on May 19, 2021
Great job, Evan! We love the bright paint colors and adorable cat!
- Nana & Pops on May 12, 2021
Great idea! Well done, Evan
- Grandma and Grandpa on May 12, 2021
I love this Robot! Such fun!
- Grandma and Grandpa on April 28, 2021
I loved the positive attitude you had as you worked on this project! It was fun! Love you!
- Nana and Pops on April 28, 2021
Nice Work Evan!
- Grandma and Grandpa on April 14, 2021
You did such a great job of creating this project. We love the colors and the design! Most of all, we love you!!!
- Nana & Pops on February 24, 2021
What a beautiful Valentine's heart!! We like your patterns and color choices! Pretty neat flowers too! Good job Evan!
- Grandma & Grandpa on February 24, 2021
What a beautiful heart! We also love the flowers and hearts on the side! Well done, Evan!
- Grandma and Grandpa on February 24, 2021
Way to go, Evan!
- Nana & Pops on February 10, 2021
You worked hard and did a great job on this project. We love you!
- Nana on February 10, 2021
We love the colors and feelings in this wonderful drawing!
- Grandma and Grandpa on February 10, 2021
What great work!
- Grandma and Grandpa on January 20, 2021
Nice work! I love the colors!
- Grandma and Grandpa on December 16, 2020
We are proud of you for working hard to create this artwork! The bright colors in the organic shapes look great on the black and white, geometric background! We love you!
- Nana & Pops on December 16, 2020
What a great cat! Franklin loves it! Wonderful textures, colors and eyes!
- Grandma and Grandpa on November 16, 2020
We really like the your cat's ears, eyes and whiskers. Looks like he'd be friends with Franklin!!
- Grandpa & Grandma on November 16, 2020
Great Fish! I love the lips and the color!
- Grandma and Grandpa on November 11, 2020
By adding an eye, you made this design look like a pegasus. Great work!
- Nana & Pops on November 11, 2020
Such cute masks — one happy and one not so happy. We love the bright colors!
- Nana & Pops on November 11, 2020
Great colors and patterns!
- Nana & Pops on November 11, 2020
You are a lucky guy, always surrounded by people and pets who love you. We like how hard you worked on this project. It looks great!
- Nana & Pops on November 11, 2020
You thought of a variety of lines. Good job!
- Nana & Pops on November 11, 2020
Fall is our favorite season of the year. Your pumpkin looks great!
- Nana & Pops on November 11, 2020
Did you use Pops as your model for this one?
- Nana & Pops on November 11, 2020
Good work, Evan! Your fish is very colorful and symmetrical.
- Nana & Pops on November 11, 2020
Nice work, Evan! Love the smile and the colors!
- Grandma and Grandpa on November 6, 2020
Great job Evan!! Looks like Grandpa's hair :-)
- Grandpa & Grandma on November 4, 2020
Great writing and drawing! Well done!
- Grandma and Grandpa on October 21, 2020
What an amazing pumpkin! I love all the patterns!
- Grandma and Grandpa on October 21, 2020
Great creative lines! Love and hugs!
- Grandma and Grandpa on October 21, 2020
Good work Evan! Nice drawing and colors! Love and hugs!
- Grandma and Grandpa on October 21, 2020
Great use of colors to show emotions! We are so proud of you, Evan! You are a young Picasso in the making!!
- Grandpa & Grandma on September 16, 2020
Evan, This painting is a wonderful addition to your online art collection! It reminds us that spring will be here soon. Good job! Nana and Pops
- Nana and Pops on May 13, 2020
Looks like lovely bluebonnets! Well done, Evan!
- Grandma and Grandpa on March 4, 2020
Great use of contrast!! Way to go Evan!!
- Peter on March 4, 2020
Looks like a fun project! Well done, Evan!
- Grandma and Grandpa on February 26, 2020
This is such a cheerful picture and a fun way to study the color wheel. We also like the way you made the sun and the stem. We love seeing your creations! Good work!
- Nana & Pops on February 19, 2020
Nicely done, Evan! Such fun with colors!
- Grandma and Grandpa on February 19, 2020
These splatter monsters are filled with fun details! We love the curly mustache, big toothy smile, closed eyes.... Most of all, we love the artist! Nana and Pops
- Nana on January 22, 2020
Way to go Evan!!! This is definitely going to make it to the MET!! Fantastic choice of colors and mixes!
- Grandpa & Grandma on January 22, 2020
Such a cool pinch pot! Way to go, Evan! Love, Nana & Pops
- Nana & Pops on December 25, 2019
Way to go Evan!! Fantastic mix of colors and design. Evan's the artist to go to....in a pinch!
- Grandpa & Grandma on December 25, 2019
Nice turkey! Looks like you had fun! Love, Grandma and Grandpa
- Mary Fran on December 4, 2019
Evan, You created a fantastic turkey! Pops likes it so much that he is ordering a coffee cup to add to his collection. We love you to the moon and back! Nana & Pops
- Nana on December 4, 2019
Great leaves, Evan! Well done!
- Grandma and Grandpa on November 6, 2019
Evan, Your fall leaves look great — very detailed and colorful. Keep up the good work! We love you! Nana and Pops
- Sue on November 6, 2019
Evan, We love your three-eyed monster with green eyebrows! Very creative! Love, Nana and Pops
- Sue on October 22, 2019
What a great use of triangles!! Nice to have 3 eyes as well!! We are so proud of you Evan....so talented! Love, Grandma & Grandpa
- Grandma & Grandpa on October 22, 2019
Hey Evan, your artwork is much better than many professionals I’ve seen. Great job! Way to go guy! Love always- Pops.
- on September 27, 2019
Very creative! You may design highway interchanges in the future! Love you! Grandma and Grandpa
- on September 27, 2019
That is awesome!! Way to go Evan!!
- on September 27, 2019
What a great design! You used several of our favorite colors. We love you! Nana and Pops
- on September 27, 2019
I love all the bright colors! Hugs, Grandma
- on September 27, 2019
What great color combinations! So very talented!!
- on September 27, 2019