Lolabelle, Your Candy Shoe Design is fantastic! To me it looks like Candy Crunch Toffee good enough to eat. I love the chunks floating around it, they look like clods of dirt the runner is kicking up while running. Can't wilt to see your next portfolio entry. Good work sweet girl!
- Grandma Dawn on October 16, 2024
I love your swimmer sweet girl. That was my favorite thing to do in the Summer. I swam so much my hair would get a greenish tint. I love you and your art!
- Dawn on December 12, 2023
Lolabelle, I want to go up that ladder and go inside. The beauty of the world on the outside makes me want to live in the house. I especially like the snake wrapped around the tree. Love, Grnadma
- Dawn on December 12, 2023
I see you. Love it! Again, your use of colors is amazing. The clouds make it seem like I looking toward a bright and beautiful future, full of dreams waiting to come true. I love you and your artwork! Grandma
- Dawn on December 12, 2023
Lolabelle, I love your Pi in the sky picture. Did you use watercolors? The was you did the sky and the colors you used are beautiful! Grandma wishes she could see that as a sunset out her window.
- Grandma on December 12, 2023
Lolabelle, Your birch tree artwork is my favorite so far this year. I look at the birch tree out my front window at home and imagine your heart being there. I love you so much!
- Dawn on December 12, 2023
Lolabelle, your heart and the flowers you had rolled up and painted inspired me to make cinnamon rolls over the weekend. Your creation is beautiful, mine was delicious and I wish I could have shared mine with you like yours was shared with me sweet girl ??
- Dawn on December 12, 2023
I love your new artwork! The simplicity is beautiful. I see my birch tree with your ?? sitting there to remind me you love me even when you aren't here. Lolabelle you are my amazing sweet girl. Love, Grandma
- Dawn on December 12, 2023
Lolabelle, I really like the choice of colors in your heart! It is calming, relaxing and makes my heart happy!
- Dawn on December 12, 2023
Oooo Lolabelle, I like this picture. It is a little bit spooky, but it makes me want to go there. Nice job sweet girl! Love you lots??
- Dawn on December 12, 2023
I love it Peanut!
- Carol (Mother) on November 3, 2021
Lolabelle you put so much time and effort into drawing this pumpkin! I really like the bright green. Nice work sweet girl!
- Dawn on November 3, 2021
Great picture Lolabelle! I can't wait to see more.