Sawyer, this is great! love the flows and patterns! When I look at it, i see a goose or an Ibis hugging a toucan... :-)
- dan (Father) on May 31, 2022
- dan (Father) on March 1, 2022
This looks like a klondike campout! I love it!
- dan (Father) on February 8, 2022
I think the blending and softness of vibrant colors in this abstract work of shapes is amazing! I especially like the almost liquid mercury look along the shape lines. So cool!
- dan (Father) on March 23, 2021
I love the use of different shapes and colors here; the eye color is interesting! Fantastic!
- dan (Father) on March 23, 2021
Good work Sawyer!
- dan (Father) on November 24, 2020
nice garden! better than mine!
- dan (Father) on November 10, 2020
love your mask!
- dan (Father) on November 10, 2020
this is fantastically spooky, and i love the elements of perspective and distance, Sawyer! Very cool! The witch makes me itch, the shutters make me shudder, the ghost is the most, and the night is full of fright!