Pizza Steve is THEE COOLEST!! I love your cartoon drawings, Noah! Love Mom
- Chelsa (Mother) on September 26, 2023
This is a funny guy! I really like it. You are a great cartoonist, Noah! Maybe you’ll make a comic book some day for kids, like the graphic novels you read!
- Chelsa (Mother) on March 14, 2023
Hi Noah, that is a pretty interesting Christmas card you made there! grandma Barb and I sure miss you, and don’t forget Santa Claus is coming to our town and our home too! We can’t wait to see you, Elijha and your mom and dad! We love you!??
- Bernard on December 30, 2020
Merry Christmas to you, Noah! I love your Christmas card! You are so creative. I know you like to draw, and when you play with Legos you are also being creative… and actually learning too! Grandpa and I are looking forward to seeing you soon to celebrate our Christmas with you and your family. Tell Elijah hi from us. We love you, Grandma Barb and Grandpa Bernie
- Barb on December 30, 2020
Oh Noah every time I see your artwork I am amazed at how talented you are, grandma Barb and I always enjoy seeing your creativity and how careful you are when you do your artwork, we love you Noah! I hope you and your family have a happy Thanksgiving hopefully we can get together for Christmas!!!????
- Grandpa Bernie on November 25, 2020
Noah! You are so creative! ?? I love seeing what you’re doing in school!
- Barb on November 18, 2020
Grandma Barb and I always enjoy seeing your artwork Noah! That latest one of the healthy happy face veggie cheese snack!????. We love you!
- Bernard on May 27, 2020
Wow! You made that in Kindergarten, Noah??? I have one very similar, but I was in 7th grade when made it! You are quite advanced!
- Barb on February 15, 2020
Noah, this is my favorite of your pictures! Did you draw this about a story you read? I’m guessing there was some kind of inspiration. ?? Tell me about it sometime! ????
- Grandma Barb on October 24, 2019
What a colorful cow! I like your imagination, Noah!
- Mom on October 16, 2019
Noah Grandma lives seeing your great art work. Keep up the good job.