Audrianna294's Comments (21)

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Below are comments about Audrianna294's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Very cool girlfriend! I like how you snuck the “A” in there!
- Nana Sherry on November 7, 2024
Very cute Audri!!!
- Papa Ken on May 22, 2024
This one is now hanging in AZ! Love it! Nana Sherry
- Nana Sherry on March 13, 2024
I see mountains made of strawberry sherbet or maybe watermelon cotton candy! Cherry snow cones?! Regardless what I see, you made a very soothing painting, glad we printed this one ???? Nana Sherry
- Nana Sherry on March 13, 2024
Audri, your picture was perfect for the baby shower!!
- Papa Ken on February 7, 2024
Very interesting drawing Audri! Very different. I love it! Papa K
- Papa Ken on December 6, 2023
This is a very cool rug! I would buy it if it was real. You are already practicing to be a home designer ??
- Nana Sherry on August 9, 2023
Pretty pink sky, just like Arizona!!
- Ken on May 9, 2023
Hi Audri. You are getting better and better with your art! The perception in your picture is right on! Is that you walking on the bridge? Where was the bridge located? ??
- Nana Minnie on May 9, 2023
It’s because she is a very “colorful” young lady!??
- Ken/Papa on November 17, 2022
Wow!! How beautiful! I love how you made the sun reflect into the water. Keep making creative pictures, Papa and I LOVE it!
- Sherry on March 31, 2022
Audrianna; I LOVE to see all of your amazing artwork on this website! You keep getting better and better with each one! Is that fabric that was added for the blanket? It is so fun to watch you grow as an artist! Keep up the great work .... I am such a FAN!
- Nana M on May 27, 2021
Wow! You are so talented Audrianna! I love it! Papa K
- Ken on May 12, 2021
This is a beautiful piece of art and I see you put a lot of thought into each symbol you used. A rainbow, a heart, birds, stars and fancy clothes. I would love to hear the story about the people in your picture next time I see you. Love, Nana Sherry
- Sherry on February 24, 2021
I love this artwork Audri! It looks like all the snow we are having by your house lately! Looks like a good time for some hot chocolate. Love you, Nana Sherry
- Sherry on February 24, 2021
Great job Audrianna!
- Papa Ken on February 17, 2021
Audri I love this painting! I think I should have it framed for my AZ house since it matches my big picture in the family room. Love your creativity and imagination ?? Nana Sherry
- Sherry on February 26, 2020
Audri....I LOVE your birch trees! They make me look forward to spring coming! I cannot wait to watch you play an your swing set!
- Nana Minnie on February 26, 2020
Audri, I am so proud of your artwork! You are becoming very amazing, creative artist! I cannot wait to be able to draw and color with you when I come to visit! I love you to the moon and beyond!
- NANA M on November 27, 2019
Audrianna, Maybe this is a picture of the snake we saw at the park or in Arizona! Love You, Papa Ken
- PapaKen on November 27, 2019
Audri I love your imaginative artwork! It reminds me of a super duper upside down roller coaster ride. If you don’t grow up to be an artist, maybe you will design rides for Disney World! You can do anything you dream of! Love you, Nana Sherry
- Nana Sherry on November 21, 2019