Jackson, I love the colors in your latest artwork, all my favorites. Keep up the good work, I'm very proud of you!
- Grandma on March 8, 2023
I love your artwork, Jack!
- Dad on March 8, 2023
Jackson, I am always amazed by your talent & imagination. I'm afraid on this one you are going to have to explain what Yeet Land is! Can't wait to hear your interpretation!
- Grandma on March 8, 2023
Jackson - I love your artwork, but I love you the most! -- Dad
- John on March 8, 2023
Jackson, you are quite the artist, like your Mom! This work of art reminds me of butterfly hearts & kisses! The colors remind me of Spring! Great job, can’t wait to see your next piece!
- Gigi on April 27, 2022
Jackson, this piece of art is my favorite so far. I love these neon hearts and how they are intertwined, like the love in a family! Great job!
- Gigi on April 27, 2022
Jackson, you must have been hungry and thinking about donuts when you created this masterpiece! Well, that is what I interpret your painting to be. I love your color choices, especially the purple one. Nice touch adding sprinkles. They look good enough to eat! Good job!
- Grandma on April 27, 2022
Jackson, I like your portrait of a pumpkin farm very much! xo, Grandma
- Mary-Lou on April 27, 2022
Jackson, I really like the 3-d effect and I love the purple dots against the orange! xo, Grandma