Beautiful mountain scape! I love how you added pumpkins and a bat to make it seem like Halloween! <3
- Kristin (Step-Mother) on October 6, 2020
Super cute "Cat-stronaut"! Looks like a great postcard to send up into space! <3
- Kristin (Step-Mother) on September 25, 2020
I love,love, love your pictures of Will! I bet he catches all the fish! Chopper is waving hi to you and Will. I love you to the moon and beyond! Jammy xoxo PS...Can’t wait to see you!
- Jammy xoxo on March 11, 2020
I love all your sea life! I love your name! Did you know that your dad named you Camber, and your mom gave you the name Lydia? I love you to the moon and beyond! Jammy xoxo
- Jammy xoxo on March 11, 2020
Hey Camber, I think you must want to go to the beach from the looks of your picture.
- Papa on March 11, 2020
I love, love, love the wave in the ocean, and the scallops on the sand! I can’t wait to see you! I love you to the moon and beyond! Jammy xoxo Little red hearts are meant to say, I am thinking of you on this special day, I love being with you to laugh and play, I love you so much on this Valentine’s Day!
- Jammy xoxo on March 11, 2020
Hey Cam, they are some really good bubbles. They kind of look like globs of slime that are full of bubbles. Keep up the good work, Love you!
- Papa on March 11, 2020
I love the cat, l love the rainbow, I love the colors, but most of all, I love you to the moon and beyond! Love, Jammy xoxo I can’t wait to see you again!
- Jammy xoxo on March 11, 2020
This must be the bubble painting you were telling us about! Very neat, you did a great job! So glad you're enjoying your art club! :)
- Kristin (Step-Mother) on February 4, 2020
I love, love, love this picture! You did an awesome job! Can’t wait to see you! Love you to the moon and beyond! Jammy xoxo
- Jammy on December 18, 2019
Hay Cam, that’s a real festive picture. I love your pink flamingos hat and scarf. Oh, and all the goodies to eat. Love you!
- Papa on December 18, 2019
I love your beautiful blue eyes...just like your mommies! You are becoming a fantastic artist! I love you to the moon and beyond! Jammy xoxo
- Jammy xoxo on December 18, 2019
Those are definitely your beautiful blue eyes! You are becoming a fantastic artist! I love you to the moon and beyond! Jammy xoxo
- Jammy on December 18, 2019
That’s a really good picture Cam, but when did you get blue hair?
- Papa on December 18, 2019
LOVE the blue hair girlfriend ? love you so SO much. You are beautiful ??
- Mommy on December 4, 2019
Hey Cam, it looks like you have some big pumpkins in your patch. Another great job!!! Love Papa
- on November 8, 2019
Perfect weather for pumpkin pickin! Love you Cam ? ?? forever and always, mommy
- Raquel (Mother) on November 6, 2019
Is there a storm at the pumpkin farm? I love that all your pumpkins are big! Can’t wait to see you! I love you to the moon and beyond! Jammy xoxo Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater Peter, Peter pumpkin eater, Had a wife but couldn't keep her, Put her in a pumpkin shell, And there he kept her, very well.
- Jammy on November 6, 2019
Looks like the ice cream from Leatherby's ?? Xoxo mommy
- Raquel (Mother) on November 4, 2019
You know this is mommys FAVORITE holiday. Love you my Halloween Queen xoxo mommy
- Raquel (Mother) on November 4, 2019
Awesome job! I love bats! :)
- Kristin (Step-Mother) on November 2, 2019
Great job Cam. I love Your artwork, but not as much as I love YOU! Hope you had a great Halloween. Love Papa
- on November 2, 2019
I love your pumpkin, and the bat is so cute! I’m so proud of you for finishing your work! Can’t wait to see you soon! I love you to the moon and beyond! Jammy xoxo Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate The first one said "Oh my, it's getting late!" The second one said "There are witches in the air," The third one said "But we don't care!" The fourth one said "let's run and run and run!" The fifth one said "I'm ready for some fun!" Ooo-oooh went the wind and out went the lights And the five little pumpkins, rolled out of... Sight!
- on November 2, 2019
Happy Halloween Camber. I love your pumpkin and bat. They look friendly and healthy. I like that a lot.
- on November 2, 2019
I'm starting to think you're more excited for Wil's birthday than your own =P
- David (Father) on October 21, 2019
Awesome job! Your Mimikyu's are getting better everyday! :)
- Kristin (Step-Mother) on October 21, 2019
Is this a bowl of fruit? Yummy! I think I like the lollipop better! I love all the colors you used...and I love you! Jammy xoxo
- Jammy on October 21, 2019
Spooky.. Trick or treat, Smell my feet, Give me something good to eat! I love you to the moon and beyond! Jammy xoxo
- Jammy on October 21, 2019
Hi Cam, Cam...Will must love cheese! I love his blue eyes, and crooked tail! I hope we see you soon! I love you to the moon and beyond! Jammy xoxo
- Jammy on October 21, 2019
My favorite picture yet!!! I look at this all the time. Mommy loves you!!! Xoxo
- Raquel (Mother) on October 8, 2019
That looks good enough to eat and real too. Good job Camber, keep it up! Love Papa
- Papa on October 8, 2019
Halloween is coming! BOO!!! I love that you used a heart for the nose! Great job...keep finishing your work! Love you to the moon and back! Jammy xoxo Sticky fingers Tired feet; One last house, Trick or Treat!
- on September 27, 2019
I love the colors you used in each picture! You can tell me all about these pictures when I see you! I love you to the moon and beyond! Jammy xoxo
- on September 25, 2019
I love cats! This is great Camber!
- on September 25, 2019
This looks great, but you will have to explain what it is next time we see you! Keep finishing all your work, and we can continue to see all your beautiful creations! We love you to the moon and beyond! Jammy and Papa xoxo
- on September 25, 2019
How fun! Maybe we should make bracelets as a hobby! Earrings and necklaces too! ?? Mommy
- Raquel (Mother) on September 17, 2019
I used to draw pictures just like this when I was your age!!! Mommy loves you Camber. Let’s have an art session sometime!
- Raquel (Mother) on September 17, 2019
I know Will loves you! Who ate the treats, you or Will? Chopper says hi, he’s very proud of you! I love you to the moon and beyond! Love, Jammy xoxo
- on September 17, 2019
We think you did a GREAT job learning about perspective! We are so lucky we get to see all your creations! We love you to the moon and beyond! Jammy and Papa xoxo
- on September 17, 2019
Wow Camber, These pictures just keep getting better and better. Very creative. Happiness at the end of the road. Very detailed, well thought out. Love it!!! Love you***GG
- on September 17, 2019
That’s a good picture of Will. Who is the pizza for, you or Will? Papa loves you Cam!
- on September 17, 2019
Meowzers?? & pizza. Right up my alley. Love it. Love you. GG
- on September 13, 2019
Wil and his cheese LOL
- David (Father) on September 13, 2019
What kinds of shapes did you use in this project? We love all your creative projects! We love that you finish all your work! Remember you can be anything you want to be when you grow up, keep up the great work habits! We love you to the moon and beyond!!! Jammy and Papa
- on September 13, 2019
Did you eat the other half of the pizza? I love that you are enjoying your creative time! So proud of you! Love be you to the moon and beyond! Jammy
- on September 11, 2019
I like be how much ch you like to swim! I was a swimmer, when I was your age, I went to swimming competitions every weekend! I’m so proud of you for completing your work...keep up the GREAT work! I love you to the moon and beyond! Jammy
- on September 11, 2019
I forgot to sign my name. Who do you know with an above ground pool? -GG
- on September 6, 2019
Very nice! We will go swimming again next week :)
- Raquel (Mother) on September 6, 2019
Like a pyramid in Egypt!
- Raquel (Mother) on September 6, 2019
Mmmmm pizza!
- Raquel (Mother) on September 6, 2019
Your freestyle art is my favorite! Who do you know with am above ground pool?
- on September 6, 2019
Love it Camber. Christmas is the best. So cheery! -- Gg
- on August 30, 2019
Camber, you are AWESOME! I love seeing all your creative projects. You really do love food, especially spaghetti! Keep doing all your class work, so you can keep making pretty things! Love you to the moon and beyond! Jammy -- Jammy
- on August 30, 2019
I am getting hungry looking at this Cam. Have a great day! Love Papa -- Papa
- on August 30, 2019
Great job, Cam. That’s really cool! Love Papa. -- Papa
- on August 30, 2019
Hey Cam, That is real cool. Keep up the good work! Love Papa -- Papa
- on August 30, 2019
Yummmm apples! Looks great! -- Raquel
- on August 28, 2019
Camber, you are a ROCKSTAR! Continue to complete your class work so we can continue to see all of these creative things you’re making! Jammy and Papa love you to the moon and beyond! Jammy and Papa -- Jammy and Papa
- on August 28, 2019
We’re so happy you’re finishing all of your school work! When you complete all your class work, you get to participate in a lot of fun! This looks great! Love you to the moon and beyond! Jammy and Papa -- Jammy and Papa
- on August 25, 2019
Those look fun! -- David
- on August 23, 2019
Super fun! Maybe we will have to get some magnetic building blocks for our house :) -- Raquel
- on August 23, 2019
Hey Cam, Cam... You are a great artist, just like your mommy! We like a lot of the same things you do. We can’t wait to see you! Love you to the moon and beyond!!!... Jammy and Papa ?????? -- Jammy and Papa
- on August 21, 2019
QUEEN of art ??????? -- Auntie
- on August 21, 2019
Hey Cam, Cam! I love your Dinosaur! We like a lot of the same things. Can’t wait to see you! I love you to the moon and beyond!!! ~~Jammy ??????~~~ -- Jammy
- on August 21, 2019
I love cats and ice cream and food and you too!!! Who or what is is dzrat? That is a well balanced looking dinosaur. -- GG
- on August 19, 2019
My favorite dinosaur! So cute! ?? -- Kristin
- on August 19, 2019
Love the colors and different patterns you used! -- Raquel