Lauren26013's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Lauren26013's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great Job! You’re such an amazing artist.
- Elisha on May 11, 2022
Great Job! You’re such an amazing artist.
- Elisha on May 11, 2022
This is so creative Lauren . I am very impressed.
- Breanne (Mother) on April 12, 2022
Lauren your artwork is FABULOUS!!! I love it, it’s beautiful!
- Elisha on May 11, 2022
Lauren your artwork is FABULOUS!!! I love it, it’s beautiful!
- Elisha on May 11, 2022
Your trees are beautiful! Love GiGi.
- Elisha on May 11, 2022
Your trees are beautiful
- Elisha on May 11, 2022
Great Frankenstein Lauren ????, you’re a true artist .
- Breanne (Mother) on November 20, 2019
Great job on your portrait Lauren!!
- Elisha on November 20, 2019