Xavier10030's Comments (42)

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Below are comments about Xavier10030's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Xavi, This is so beautiful. I love how you've delicately shaded the upper portion and seamlessly blended your rainbow. I love it! Keep up the great work. <3
- Sue on March 27, 2024
Cool I’m curious to hear about this
- Emily on December 27, 2023
This is amazing use of shadow and color!
- Auntie Em on November 15, 2023
Ooooh this is intense!
- Auntie Em on September 27, 2023
Wow professional artist!
- Auntie Em on September 27, 2023
How exciting to see these various aircraft. Looks like a wonderful exploration of aerodynamics. I’m sure it was great fun. I hope you had the opportunity to launch them. Maybe someday you will design full size planes
- Naomi on May 10, 2023
Xavier you are becoming a pro artist!
- Auntie Em on May 10, 2023
These are rad! Great work. Hope I get to see them in-person soon. Don’t fly them too far away until then!
- Aunt Stacey on April 26, 2023
Wow this is so impressive!
- Emily on April 26, 2023
Wow that’s amazing!! Wonder how you did that!!
- Emily on April 12, 2023
Wow amazing!!!!
- Emily on January 11, 2023
Wow check it out! Your skills are impressive Xavier! Keep it up!
- Emily on May 2, 2022
Whoa this is awesome!!! We love to see the moon in all its phases. Totally cool.
- Emily on May 2, 2022
Xavier, your weaving is wonderful!! I hope you enjoyed creating the rainbow in this fun way. I always look forward to seeing what you are learning in art. Keep up the great work!
- Naomi on March 2, 2022
Xavier, your weaving is wonderful!! I hope you enjoyed creating the rainbow in this fun way. I always look forward to seeing what you are learning in art. Keep up the great work!
- Naomi on March 2, 2022
WHOA! This guy is super cool. Not sure about that bomb he has though. Does that mean he is a 'bad' guy or did someone else put the bomb there? Either way, look out!
- Aunt Stacey on November 25, 2021
Uncle Farid loves frogs. This one looks so cool :)
- Emily on November 25, 2021
Whoa Xavier this is impressive!!!
- Emily on November 25, 2021
Wow Xavier that looks very cool, I bet you worked hard on it!
- Emily on September 29, 2021
How exciting to see your newest still life collage. It reminds me of one of Vincent Van Gogh's flower paintings. I'm wondering if you studied symmetry as you cut your vase. I especially enjoy seeing the symbols that decorate your vase. Your drawing of a crucifix shows how observant you are. I'm so looking forward to seeing your artwork. Keep creating and sharing your thoughts, feelings, and ideas.
- Naomi on September 29, 2021
Which Godzilla is this? I can't remember them all, but maybe it's the last one in the video you showed me. He was SCARY!! I like the controllers! Very cool, Xavier!
- Stacey on September 8, 2021
Xavier, Wow, this is really rad! I dig the choice of colors and it is quite complex with both skulls and hearts. You do an excellent job combining those different things. I am going to name him "Skart" for skull and heart. Did you give the "skull man" a name? -Aunt Stacey
- Stacey(fan) on May 23, 2021
Xavier, Is this little man grumpy? Or did he eat something to make him turn green? Ha, actually I know it is a Frankenstein. It's very good. It looks like you used watercolors and crayons both? I don't know much about art, you might have to teach me! -Aunt Stacey
- Stacey(fan) on May 23, 2021
Xavier, I immediately smiled when I viewed your artwork. I love Earth Day and your self portrait, with you hugging our planet certainly made me happy!! Keep on drawing, painting, sculpting, collaging, and creating!!!! I'm always excited to see your next visual self expression!! Keep having fun exploring materials and techniques. Love, hugs and kisses from Auntie N
- Naomi on May 23, 2021
Xavier, your line lion is so fun. I'd love to know your inspiration. I'm especially fond of lions since that was our school's mascot. Your lion is so fun the way he fills your entire paper. Keep up the great work!! Love, Auntie N.
- Naomi on March 24, 2021
Xavier, this kitty is wonderful! Your collage reminds me of one of my favorite black cats, Mr. Mistopholez!! Keep up the great work!!
- Naomi on March 24, 2021
Awesome, Xavi! I’m so proud of you! ????????????
- Julie(fan) on December 12, 2020
Xavi, I love your art! Is this a self portrait? The words on there remind me of you. I think you are cool, fun, smart, amazing, and a talented artist! I love you! Aunt Sue
- Sue(fan) on October 14, 2020
WOW! This self portrait is indeed, cool, fun, smart and amazing - just like you, Xavier!! I so enjoy identifying all the favorite" things you have portrayed. I do hope you write a story or an "artist statement" about this artwork. Keep on drawing!!!!
- Naomi on October 13, 2020
Xavier, I ALWAYS love seeing your artwork. I noticed the butterflies are in rainbow order (like the spectrum created when sun shines through raindrops). Keep on having fun whether you are doing a craft or creating art.
- Naomi (grand aunt) on September 30, 2020
Xavier, the drawings inside your butterfly are awesome! I love seeing some of your favorite things. Wish you were close to tell me more about the guitar, pizza, cat, jack o lantern, and #5 on your bicycle!! I'm also curious about the red MI inside a box. I'm wondering too if RED is your favorite color or if that crayon was just convenient :>) Art always makes me want to know more. Keep up the great drawing!!
- Auntie Naomi on September 30, 2020
Xavier, this is one of my favorites. I am wondering about the inspiration for this work. It would be fun to hear all about it. Perhaps you will write a story and I can learn about this character. Keep drawing!
- Naomi on June 3, 2020
Xavier, what fun to see your drawing. I especially like that your picture makes me curious. I love wondering what story goes with the characters. I do hope I find out sometime. In the meantime, it looks like you have a sketchbook for your art. That is wonderful. Keep drawing. I am eager to see your next artwork!
- Naomi on June 3, 2020
Xavier you are so creative and talented!
- Sue on June 3, 2020
Xavier, I was so glad to see this line drawing of a robot. It reminds me of your other drawing. Have you thought of combining your drawings to tell a story? That would be awesome!! Keep up the great art work!!
- Naomi on April 29, 2020
This is beautiful, Xavier. I love it!! <3
- Sue on March 11, 2020
Xavier I love seeing all of your art. This beautiful landscape does make me think of snowy winter walks near a forest. I hope you had fun painting this cool picture.
- Naomi on March 11, 2020
So cute!!
- Sue on January 29, 2020
Hi Xavier, I LOVE seeing your artwork. I love this art you did with your hand prints. Keep up the great work. You are awesome! <3 I love you! Love, Aunt Sue
- Sue on January 29, 2020
Xavier, This is so beautiful! It reminds me of some of my henna art. You are such a lovely artist. Love, Aunt Sue
- Sue on January 29, 2020
Xavier, we are thrilled to see your artwork! We noticed with your hand prints that we could see Blue, Red and Purple. We you learning how to mix primary colors to get a secondary color?? We also enjoyed your monster portrait. It reminded us of Dr. Frankenstein's creation. We you learning about rectangles, squares and circles? Keep on creating and sharing! We love YOU!!
- Naomi on January 20, 2020
Xavier, I love seeing your smiling face. Your self portrait brings me joy. I'm so eager to view your portfolio as you express your thoughts, feelings and ideas. Keep creating!
- Naomi on October 10, 2019