I love how colorful this is ! Is there supposed to be a pattern ? I like all the shapes.
- Nana Janelle on July 28, 2021
I love your bird. He is so colorful. You are such a good artist !
- Nana Janelle on July 28, 2021
Wow ! What a beautiful sun. I am excited for summer to be here. Your sun is so bright and cheery
- Nana Janelle on July 28, 2021
Reese once again I love your color choices, you do such an amazing job with the art projects your teacher gives you. Keep up the good work!! Can’t wait to see what you do next year.
- Terri on July 28, 2021
Reese once again I love your color choices, you do such an amazing job with the art projects your teacher gives you. Keep up the good work!! Can’t wait to see what you do next year.
- Terri on July 28, 2021
I really like your bird ! He is so colorful !
- Nana Nell on May 17, 2021
Reese you are so talented!!! I love to see all of your pictures. Can’t wait to see what you do next assignment. Gpa and I love you
- Terri on May 17, 2021
I really like your cactus ! They have a lot of detail. You are a good artist
- Janelle on February 24, 2021
I don’t know if I have commented on this before but I think it’s awesome. I love how you made the fish look. And all the detail
- Janelle on December 2, 2020
I really like your tree. You do a good job showing how colorful the leaves are.
- Janelle on December 2, 2020
Reese this tree is awesome as usual you have a great eye for color you make Gpa Paul and I proud
- Terri on December 2, 2020
I love the silly look and as always the sparkle in your eye ! You make great art !!!
- Nana Nell on March 20, 2020
I commented on this earlier about how much I liked your self portrait. Papa wanted me to tell you that he thought it was awesome !!
- Nana on March 6, 2020
Great job! Love Nana
- Cindy on March 6, 2020
I like your portrait of yourself. You are an amazing artist and a beautiful girl. ??
- Nana on March 6, 2020
Wow Reese this is really awesome!! Can’t wait for you to do another picture of me and Gpa Paul. Keep up the good work you are very talented.
- Terri on March 6, 2020
I love your color wheel, the mice are so cute. Papa and I love you and really enjoy your art work
- Terri on February 26, 2020
Reese I love your fish.I like all the designs he has. Does it make you want summer to come so you can swim like him. Love you Nana Nell
- Janelle on February 19, 2020
Reese I love this !! Your mice look so real. And colorful. You are quite the artist. I love the cheese with all the little holes.
- Janelle on December 11, 2019
Your snake looks very real ! While I don’t really care for real snakes I like yours. He looks like he is getting ready to eat something with his tongue sticking out.
- Janelle on October 23, 2019
Girlfriend!! This owl drawing is awesome! I am so amazed at the beautiful artwork you continue to create. Keep it up, girly! I thrilled to see what you create next!
- KELSEY on October 14, 2019
Great job! Love your Pictures!
- Cindy on October 14, 2019
Hoot Hoot!!! Great job! Love you baby girl!
- Cindy on October 14, 2019
Reese, you did such a great job on this owl , I love your color choices, keep up the good work. Papa and I love getting to see your art.
- Terri on October 14, 2019
Reese I love your house drawing! It looks like Nanna's new Home!
- Cindy on October 10, 2019
Reese I love your house drawing! It looks like Nanna's new Home!
- Cindy on October 10, 2019
Reese i absolutely love this ! An owl is one of my favorite birds. Papa said you did and awesome job. We are excited to see more of your artwork !
- Janelle on October 10, 2019
Awesome job Reese. You are such a good artist. We have have several of your beautiful drawings proudly displayed at our house. Nana Nell and Papa Phillip