What a great idea, Ainslea. Very creative & original!!
- Papa Paul & Nana Lynne on March 30, 2020
Ainslea...you are such a creative artist, and getting better at it all the time as we see in your picture here and a couple of the others right before. Keep up the great work. You have a gift!! We love you... Papa Paul & Nana Lynne
- Papa Paul & Nana Lynne on April 6, 2020
You are so creative. And, by adding smaller details to keep it interesting makes us look more closely at it. That’s when we can see many more different things. Well done & colorful!
- Papa & Nana on January 1, 2020
Ainslea...what a beautiful picture, a true keepsake. The colors you chose make the horse and the background so lovely. Your passion & talent for art are a gift from God...and we love you! Papa & Nana
- Papa & Nana on October 16, 2019
Ainslea, this is such a prettypicture. Looks like it has colorful confetti in the background which makes it extra special. :-)
- on September 16, 2019
Such a beautiful sculpture! Love the colors. Looks like a colorful tunnel. Great job, Ainslea!
- on September 18, 2019
This is SOOOOO creative for such a young artist! Daddy is proud of you!