Kira1206's Comments (18)

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Below are comments about Kira1206's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Kira, Your color mixing circles remind me of little sunrises and sunsets. So pretty. Love Grandma Diana
- Diana on March 16, 2022
Kira, what a beautiful umbrella. Wish I had one even though we usually don't have rain in the winter. Love Grandma Diana
- Diana on March 16, 2022
Hey Kira, Love your color wheel weaving. It reminds me of stitching needle work. Love Grandma Diana
- Diana on March 16, 2022
Hi Kira, Love your latest art work. Beautiful constrast in lines and colors. Leaves are my favorites. love you. Grandma Diana
- Diana on October 27, 2021
Hi Kira, Love your plastic woven cup. It reminds of yummy cotton candy. Love Grandma Diana
- Diana on July 2, 2021
Hi Kira, Love your interesting leaves. Makes me wonder what the whole tree would look like. Keep up the good work. Love Grandma Diana
- Diana on November 12, 2020
Love the bright colors. Very pretty! Grandma Toni
- Toni on September 16, 2020
Hi Kira, Love your kites, but really love the sky. So much beautiful color. Keep up the good work. Love you Grandma Diana
- Diana on September 16, 2020
Love Grandma Diana
- Diana on September 16, 2020
Hi Kira, This very interesting art. I like the colors. Are these special items of yours? Grandma Diana
- Diana on September 16, 2020
Kira, I love the colors. It would make a beautiful ladies fan for the summer. Love Grandma Diana
- Diana on March 25, 2020
Hi Kira, I have never seen such a pretty spider web and I have seen lots of them. You could give spiders a lesson in jazzing up their webs. Love it. Grandma Diana
- Diana on March 4, 2020
Kira, I always love hearts. I like that yours has a red center. Red is the color of love. Love Grandma Diana
- Diana on February 26, 2020
Wow! Kira, that is an eye popping shadow box. Looks like some beautiful stars shining in the darkness. It has been a long time, but I made shadow boxes in school too. Keep up the good work. Love Grandma Diana
- Diana on February 26, 2020
Kira, I love your leaf. It looks like it has sunlight behind it. The colors are beautiful. Keep up the great work.
- Diana on November 25, 2019
Hi Kira, Your fall tree looks really happy about all the colors you have given it. It might even be thinking it is time for spring. I am very happy that you are enjoying so many new art projects. Stay creative.
- Diana on November 25, 2019
Really interesting Kira, keep it up. Love Grandma Mary
- Mary on October 9, 2019
Hi Kira, I didn't know that crumpled paper could be so pretty. Beautiful job.
- on September 18, 2019