Maelyn100's Comments (53)

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Below are comments about Maelyn100's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Maelyn, This is very creative and realistic looking. Nice job. Love you, A. Bib
- Great Auntie Bibby on October 28, 2023
For a Title, Little Girl loves her Kitty. This is really cute Maelyn. I like how you reflected the love for each other with the hearts. Very creative. Love you, A. Bib
- Great Auntie Bibby on October 28, 2023
She is beautiful, just like you ?? Love the bangs! A. Bib
- Great Auntie Bibby on October 28, 2023
I love it! A great self portrait! You are so beautiful! ??
- April (Mother) on October 24, 2022
Love this one. The abstract teddy bear is adorable. Looks like you took your time with this one. Title: love is in the air. Love ya, Aunt Bib
- Great Auntie Bibby. on September 20, 2022
Hello Maelyn, That is simply adorable. Love you!
- Great Auntie Bibby on September 20, 2022
Maelyn, This is awesome. Love that it is a cutout with the flashy background. The heart in the chest area is adorable. Also, it looks like it is winking with its different color right eye. Very nice job sweetie. Love you, A. Bib
- Bibbee on September 20, 2022
This is a masterpiece. It looks like a puzzle. I like the different facial expressions you put on all the snowmen. Very abstract and it looks like a lot of thought was put into this one. Love you, Aunt. Bib
- Great Auntie Bibby on September 20, 2022
Maelyn, this reminds me of a fin word puzzle. A lot of items are within this one drawing. I think they call this abstract art. Nice job! ?? A. Bib
- Great Auntie Bibby. on September 20, 2022
The squiggles are my favorite. Another colorful one. Love, A. Bib
- Great Auntie Bibby on October 23, 2021
Love all the colorful dots. Aunt Bib
- Great Auntie Bibby on October 23, 2021
Love how colorful your line art is. Nice job. Love you, Aunt, Bib
- Great Auntie Bibby on October 23, 2021
Howdy Maelyn, Your flowers are lovely. I would love a bouquet like that. Hope being back in school learning is agreeing with you. Love you, A. Bib
- Great Auntie Bibby on September 20, 2022
Mae Mae! Love, love, LOVE this! Great job, baby. Your doggy is beauuutiful. Love, Mommy
- April (Mother) on December 9, 2020
Hi Maelyn, Love your balloons, very colorful and creative. Only problem, nobody is holding on to them and they are going to fly away, ha, ha. Love you, A. Bib
- Great Auntie Bibby on December 9, 2020
Looks like this poor guy or girl had a lot of stitches for its mouth, OUCH. Cute one honey. Love ya, A. Bib
- Bib on November 4, 2020
AWESOME, ARTISTIC, wonderful artwork. I love this one, one of your best so far. Keep up the good work. So glad you enjoy your artwork classes. Love you tons, A. Bib
- Bib on November 4, 2020
Wow, this one is impressive! I can tell you took your time. Beautiful fall leaves. Love and kisses, A. Bib
- Great Auntie Bibby on December 9, 2020
I think you are as cute as a button. I like the portrait and the bow?? Love, A. Bibbee
- Great Auntie Bibby on November 4, 2020
I love how colorful this is. You did an awesome job.
- Aunt Bibbee on September 24, 2020
Your cardinal is absolutely beautiful. That was great Grammy's favorite birdie. I love them too. Job well done. I showed it to It-z Bit-z and she loved it too.
- Great Auntie Bibby on September 19, 2020
Very scary!!! I believe it is a t-rex. If not, it is a dragon. Love and kisses.
- Great Auntie Bibby on September 19, 2020
Okay, I am guessing this is the sun and a cloud that is making it rain, which makes it a rain cloud. Am I close? Love you sweetie.
- Great Auntie Bibby on September 19, 2020
Miss Mae Mae, this picture is gorgeous. You are quite the little artist! Love and kisses
- Great Auntie Bibby on September 19, 2020
Maelyn your turtle is beautiful and very realistic looking. I did not see any turtles today gardening but I did see several frogs. Love to you
- Great Auntie Bibby on September 19, 2020
The bees are so happy. They have flowers to gather pollen from and fill their bellies. Very nice work. Love you, A. Bib
- Great Auntie Bibby on September 19, 2020
Maelyn, I love your bouquet of flowers. You will have to come over this summer and cut you and mommy a real bouquet of flowers. Love, kisses, and hugs
- Great Auntie Bibby on September 19, 2020
Hi Maelyn, that is darn cute. You definitely made good use of your imagination. Love and kisses, A. Bib
- Aunt Bibbee on September 19, 2020
Beautiful flowers! You are an artist: )
- Great Auntie Dodi on September 19, 2020
This one looks like a game. Which mouse is going to get that piece of cheese. Cute idea. Love you, A. Bib
- Great Auntie Bibby on September 19, 2020
I love your flower garden picture. You will have to come over to my house when the flowers bloom and draw me a picture of my garden. I would love that. Love and kisses, A. Bib
- Great Auntie Bibby on September 19, 2020
I love your creativity! The turtle drawing is super awesome and quite good. You are definitely a good little artist. Keep on drawing. Love you, A. Bib
- Great Auntie Bibby on September 19, 2020
Your Turtle looks very happy :) Great Job! Love You
- Great Auntie Dodi on September 19, 2020
I really love this. Very colorful, but best of all it has your handprint in it. Great job! Love you, Aunt Dee-Dee
- Great Aunt Dee-Dee on September 19, 2020
Looks like a turkey to me, is it?
- Bibbee on September 19, 2020
Looks like a turkey to me, is it?
- Bibbee on September 19, 2020
Very pretty and in your two favorite colors.
- Bibbee on September 19, 2020
This looks like someone much older than you drew it. You have artistic talent young lady.
- Bibbee on September 19, 2020
Very creative, love the colors and the picture within.
- Bibbee on September 19, 2020
This one is so cute. He looks very angry. He must have been having a bad day.
- Bibbee on September 19, 2020
Maelyn, this is beautiful. I love all the colors. Your artwork is very creative. Love you tons, A. Bib
- Bibbee on September 19, 2020
Maelyn, I had such a hard time deciding because all of your artwork is so gorgeous! So it was hard to decide what picture I wanted on my drawstring backpack that I ordered. I finally decided to get your cat drawing on it. I can't wait to receive it!! I love you, sending lots of hugs & kisses Great Aunt Dee-Dee
- Great Aunt Dee-Dee on September 19, 2020
Maelyn, All of your art work is so beautiful! I love you Great Aunt, Dee-Dee
- Great Aunt Dee-Dee on September 19, 2020
Very cute character, reminds me of an oldmovie character.
- Bibbee on September 19, 2020
This is very colorful and super creative. True work of art. Love you, A. Bib
- Bibbee on September 19, 2020
Hi Mae-Mae, love your colorful cool cat. Your artwork is awesome! Keep up the beautiful work sweetie. It-z Bitz, Zaggy Doodle and Bob send their love and kisses.
- Bibbee on September 19, 2020
What a Cool Cat. Well done Maelyn! Love you soooooooo much. Hi Babes, love you too.
- Grammy on March 11, 2020
This is so cool! -Mommy
- April (Mother) on October 23, 2019
This looks just like you! - Mommy
- April (Mother) on October 23, 2019
Good job, Maelyn! Looks like 3 pyramids to Grammy in the desert in Egypt. Nice art.
- Grammy on October 23, 2019
Good job!! Love you bunches!!
- Grammy on October 23, 2019
What a beautiful lady bug, Maelyn. All 4 of your drawings are lovely. Love you soooo much, Grammy.
- on October 23, 2019
Nice work, Mae Mae! - Love Mommy ??
- April (Mother) on September 11, 2019