These look like all your favorite flavors. You must have sprinkles on top and a cherry ??.
- Aunt Jean on April 12, 2023
Absolutely beautiful Norah. Keep up the fantastic art work.
- Papa(fan) on April 12, 2023
Love the details - all your favorite things- sprinkles, cherry, and chocolate!
- Mawzarelli on April 12, 2023
I love the pastels and details on the ice creams. The chocolate topping looks quite real and delicious.
- Auntie Amer on April 12, 2023
This is absolutely hysterical. I love the extra comment from the pumpkin on the bottom and different looks on each of their faces.
- Auntie Amer on April 12, 2023
This piece of art if truly reflective of Miss Norah! Bright colors are right up her alley!
- Mawzarelli(fan) on April 12, 2023
Very nice portrait of you, love the bright colors!
- Aunt Jean on April 12, 2023
You have some of the best trees I’ve ever seen!
- Aunt Jean on April 12, 2023
Looks like fall in New Hampshire. Great job Norah.
- Papa(fan) on April 12, 2023
I love this project!
- Mawzarelli(fan) on April 12, 2023
I really like the use of all the leaf colors. I do not see brown a lot and that is an important Autumn color.
- Auntie Amer on April 12, 2023
Fantastic artist! Looks just like you. Keep up the great work!
- Grammy Sarah on April 12, 2023
Wow! Another one for a refrigerator magnet! Nice work.
- Mawzarelli on April 12, 2023
Absolutely fantastic and completely Norah. Great Great job big girl.
- Papa on April 12, 2023
This is happy, happy, and more happy. I can feel Norah smiling as she is drawing and coloring this.
- Auntie Amer on April 12, 2023
Snappy but very typically Norah. Great job big girl.
- Papa on April 12, 2023
What a happy cuddly looking bear :-)
- Grammy Sarah on April 12, 2023
Norah, this is beautiful! Love the bright colors.
- Aunt Jean on April 12, 2023
I love everything about this. The colors, the shapes, the blocking. It actually looks like an outfit that Norah would wear and that makes me very happy.
- Auntie Amer on April 12, 2023
This bug is really cool! I like the clay combined with the flower drawings!
- Mawzarelli(fan) on April 12, 2023
Really neat and jazzy. Just what I would expect from Norah’s great artistic tastes. Keep up the great work.
- Papa on April 12, 2023
This is so neat. I love the 3D effect.
- Auntie Amer on April 12, 2023
Looks like a scary wolf to me, great colors.
- Aunt Jean on March 29, 2022
A vey colorful bug! Nice work.
- Mawzarelli(fan) on March 29, 2022
Now this is Norah-flash and dash. Love it Miss Norah and may you have that quality forever.
- Papa(fan) on March 29, 2022
Now this is Norah-flash and dash. Love it Miss Norah and may you have that quality forever.
- Papa(fan) on March 29, 2022
This looks like one very happy wolf. I love that he has moving parts and looks like he is currently skipping by a playground.
- Auntie Amer on March 29, 2022
WOW WOW WOW. Norah this is absolutely fantastic. I am very proud of you. Keep up the great work.
- Papa(fan) on March 29, 2022
I love this. The perspective and different faces are fantastic. Great job.
- Auntie Amer on March 29, 2022
Love this picture of the 4 seasons.
- Aunt Jean on March 29, 2022
Love this picture of the 4 seasons.
- Aunt Jean on March 29, 2022
Wow! I really like this!
- Mawzarelli on March 29, 2022
This is lovely and I very much like the primary colors. They POP!
- Auntie Amer on March 29, 2022
Norah, you never cease to amaze me. Neat - great interpretation.
- Papa on March 30, 2022
Love the pictorial. Keep it up.
- Papa on March 29, 2022
Absolutely perfectly fantastic. Great, keep that creativity going. Looks like Norah type of life- just plainly laid back.
- Papa on March 29, 2022
That looks like a little bit of every fun. Great job on using different colors and making everything stand out.
- Auntie Amer on December 21, 2021
Wow. This art work is original and very creative. Keep up the great imagination working.
- Papa on December 21, 2021
Wow. Norah, this drawing is just plainly neat. Viewing your art work is always a pleasant adventure.
- Papa on December 21, 2021
Oh my goodness. This is absolutely amazing. You must have really worked hard on this.
- Auntie Amer on December 21, 2021
Norah always draws very neat and colorful drawings. Keep up the great pictures.
- Papa on December 21, 2021
Look at all the swoops and swirls, and in all the colors of the rainbow.
- Auntie Amer on December 21, 2021
Very innovative and great use of color. Keep up the great work.
- Papa on December 21, 2021
Nice “dot work”! Love it. Love the colors
- Grammy Sarah on December 21, 2021
What a cool idea!
- Mawzarelli on December 21, 2021
A great first start for second grade. Keep up the great work.
- Papa on December 21, 2021
First new Artsonia for 2021. I love the dot art.
- Auntie Amer on December 21, 2021
Colorful and neat for the fall. As usual great art to look at and imagination.
- Paapa on July 14, 2021
Nice colors - I might even get a cat if it looked like this!
- Mawzarelli on May 20, 2021
Looks like a smiling alligator.
- Papa on May 20, 2021
Great coloring job!
- Mawzarelli on May 20, 2021
Are you headed for Mars or the moon?
- Mawzarelli(fan) on May 20, 2021
Very thoughtful and pleasant. Keep up the great imagination.
- Papa on May 20, 2021
I love how the primary colors pop out from the black. Very NORAH.
- Auntie Amer on May 20, 2021
This art work is very Norah-many different items but all held together by her fantastic imagination and creativity. Keep that great outlook.
- Papa on May 5, 2021
Nice job. Love the flowers.
- Aunt Sarah on March 10, 2021
This is typical Norah - very bold and imaginative with great use of color. Keep up the great work.
- Papa on March 10, 2021
Neat! Looks like a house I would like to live in.
- Mawzarelli on March 10, 2021
This is adorable. I love the contrast of the blue and black.
- Auntie Amer on March 10, 2021
Nice job! Love the colors.
- Mawzarelli on December 12, 2020
Really neat to see the creative thought process in Norah’s art.
- Papa on December 12, 2020
Now there's a dog?! Remarkable, I love how the colors changed on this one.
- Auntie Amer on December 12, 2020
All I can say is “Meow”. Nice kitty.
- Aunt Sarah on December 12, 2020
Looks like a happy picture!
- Mawzarelli on December 12, 2020
Another alligator.! This one looks like he’s waiting to snap up a fish.
- Mawzarelli on December 12, 2020
Now that is a COOL cat - cool blues and greens and purple! Nice job.
- Mawzarelli on December 12, 2020
Now, that is a cat that really likes math :)
- Auntie Amer on December 12, 2020
Now that is a cool cat just like the artist. This must be pumpkin junior.
- Papa on December 12, 2020
I feel like a party is happening. Balloons are fantastic.
- Aunt Sarah on December 1, 2020
Your smiling alligator made me smile. Love the “pearly white” choppers.
- Aunt Sarah on December 1, 2020
As always absolutely fantastic. Always a joy to look at what Norah comes up with in her artistic adventures.
- Papa on November 21, 2020
How did I miss this awesome drawing of a crocodile?! And, he's smiling? I love it.
- Auntie Amer on November 21, 2020
Very colorful and almost color in the rainbow. Great job staying in the lines.
- Auntie Amer on November 21, 2020
I love the scarecrow! Orange is my favorite color.
- Aunt Sarah on November 21, 2020
A fantastic fall scarecrow drawing. Great color combinations. Always neat to see what Norah comes up with in her art work.
- Papa on November 21, 2020
Nice work! Love the details on the mouth and the different shoes for eyes, nose and cheeks!
- Mawzarelli on November 21, 2020
This drawing just makes me HAPPY :)
- Auntie Amer on November 21, 2020
Nice fall tree. I love the leaves falling off.
- Grammy Sarah(fan) on November 21, 2020
I love the use of leaves here. It’s a great picture.
- Grammy Sarah(fan) on November 21, 2020
The color scheme is cool to warm. It makes you feel all warmed up inside.
- Grammy Sarah(fan) on November 21, 2020
This fella is fantastic. I love the colors and detail. The blue and purple spikes on his back are a great touch.
- Grammy Sarah(fan) on November 21, 2020
The leaves really stand out against the black sky! Nice!
- Mawzarelli(fan) on November 21, 2020
This must have taken some time and patience. Good for you, Norah!
- Auntie Amer(fan) on November 21, 2020
Is that a SNAKE at the bottom of the picture?
- Mawzarelli(fan) on November 21, 2020
This is a wonderful artistic project with each student creating their own concept. Norah’s artwork is always great and this is another fine example of her creativity.
- Papa(fan) on November 21, 2020
Cool way to combine drawing and real objects.
- Mawzarelli(fan) on November 21, 2020
What a great project - creating art with nature!
- Mawzarelli(fan) on November 21, 2020
Nice arrangement fall leaves and other natural items. Keep up the great artistic work. It’s always interesting to see what you come up with to display.
- Papa on October 7, 2020
Is that a face with eyebrows? I love the creativity.
- Auntie Amer on October 7, 2020
I love the combination of rainbow colors and shapes.
- Auntie Amer on September 23, 2020
Love those sharp teeth in the mouth of this fearsome green Dino.
- Papa on September 23, 2020
This creative art fits Miss Norah’s personality to a tee. Great work.
- Papa on September 23, 2020
Love these wiggley lines and the bright colors!
- Aunt Jean on September 23, 2020
Love the dinosaur
- Martha (Mother) on September 16, 2020
Walking on the back of an alligator ? No wonder the eyes are open so wide. I would also have been scared.
- Papa on June 24, 2020
Now that is a scary great big green dinosaur. What big teeth it has - I like it.
- Papa on June 24, 2020
I didn’t see this one earlier! That bird looks a bit scared of being eaten by the green log he landed on!
- Mawzarelli on June 24, 2020
Wow! A bright green dinosaur! With a purple spine! Great job!
- Mawzarelli on June 24, 2020
Where did you get the inspiration for this picture? Is that a cardinal on top of an alligator? What imagination. The colors are fantastic.
- Auntie Amer on June 24, 2020
This is my favorite of the year. It is so Norah - shiny and bright. I hope this dinosaur is also super fast.
- Auntie Amer on June 24, 2020
What - no snakes? I can take cute mice but nothing cute about snakes,
- Mawzarelli on May 5, 2020
You did a great job staying in the lines and adding in the correct colors in between.
- Auntie Amer on May 5, 2020
Only Norah could do art work as original as this drawing. Great job and keep it up.
- Papa on May 5, 2020
I wonder why a turtle? I thought you were Flash?
- Auntie Amer on May 5, 2020
Now this is a neat turtle just like the ones we saw at the Florida Aquarium. Keep up the great art work and keep working hard on your distance school learning.
- Papa on May 5, 2020
That is a beautiful lily pad. I really like how green you got the pad.
- Auntie Amer on March 4, 2020
This is great! I love flowers and this looks just like the Waterliliies on the lake in Florida..
- Mawzarelli on March 4, 2020
Absolutely beautiful and very creative. Just plainly fabulous. Keep up the great artistic work.
- Papa on March 4, 2020
This is a cool cat- must be that NH weather makes him cool!
- Mawzarelli on January 30, 2020
Colorful bunny rabbit or is it a cat. Great use of color and imagination. Keep up the great work.
- Papa on January 30, 2020
This is so neat. I love the colors you used. They really pop next to one another.
- Auntie Amer on January 30, 2020
That is very neat and I can feel that you worked very hard with the colors on the outside. That must have been a lot of work.
- Auntie Amer on January 8, 2020
Really neat. Great use of color and imagination. Keep up the great artistic work.
- Papa on January 8, 2020
Looks a little like you when you wake up!
- Mawzarelli on January 8, 2020
Very friendly and lively. Great scribble art.
- Papa on January 8, 2020
Love the color wheel and the drawing in the middle.
- Auntie Amer on January 8, 2020
Very creative, imaginative and great use of colors to create a memory for a tree ornament or place on the wall. Great work.
- Papa on January 8, 2020
Wow! Fantastic color beautiful color combinations. Very proud of you. Great job.
- Papa on November 27, 2019
You really make me feel like it’s Fall in this piece of artwork. Great job!
- Auntie Amer on November 27, 2019
This is so well done with such a good job coloring and color choice.
- Auntie Amer on November 27, 2019
Cool. Did you design this yourself or did everyone do the same thing?
- Mawzarelli on October 30, 2019
Look at all the math involved in art!! Great job on the geometry.
- Auntie Amer on October 30, 2019
Really neat and great use of string. Keep up the great work.
- Papa on October 30, 2019
It glows in the dark!
- Mawzarelli on October 16, 2019
Like the color combination.. ????
- Mawzarelli on October 16, 2019
I like how you alternated the two colors.
- Auntie Amer on October 16, 2019
Wow. Colorful and very uplifting. Great job.
- Papa on October 16, 2019
I like your drawing and the hearts.
- Auntie Amer on October 9, 2019
Good job coloring and pasting.
- Auntie Amer on October 9, 2019
Coloring on black makes the figures stand out. Nice work.
- Mawzarelli on October 9, 2019
Hmmm - looks just like they would in Egypt!
- Mawzarelli on October 9, 2019
This is really scary and keep up the great work.
- Papa on October 9, 2019
I am constantly amazed by Norah’s art projects. They’re great and keep up the great work.
- Papa on October 9, 2019
Just plainly neat. I am really enjoying Norah’s art work projects.
- Papa on October 9, 2019
That is a beautiful rainbow with a dash of Norah in there. Great!
- Auntie Amer on October 9, 2019
Cool cat!
- on September 24, 2019
Meow. Great work and clever design. Really enjoy her work.
- on September 24, 2019
I really love ?? your cat. Very nice job!
- on September 24, 2019
That must have been hard to do. I like that you chose blue.
- on September 24, 2019
Our little girl is growing up at 5 yrs old.
- on September 24, 2019
Great job tracing.
- on September 24, 2019
Nice! Now I know where to look when I need to know your mitten size! ??
- on September 24, 2019
YAY! Myrah has an Artsonia. I like the first picture and the use of color.
- on September 24, 2019
Fantastic. Very creative and colorful. Really neat.