Wow, Scarlett!! I love these! They turned out so pretty! Excellent job!
- Auntie Jenn on May 6, 2020
I love the colors!
- Bubba on April 29, 2020
I really love the tulip wire paintings! There are so pretty! They make me think of chantrelle mushrooms!
- Bubba on April 29, 2020
Wow! This is so cool and creative!! Great job, Scarlett!
- Jennifer on February 12, 2020
Wow, I love the detail in this Scarlett!!
- Aaron (Father) on February 5, 2020
What a beautiful drawing, Scarlett!! Your little Raven is so cute! Great job!! -- Auntie Jenn
- on August 7, 2019
Scarlett, Thank you for sharing your Robot. She is so cute! I hope you are having a great summer and looking forward to seeing you next week. -- Mrs. Cassady
- on July 31, 2019
Wow, Scarlett, you are so talented! I love this picture, the colors are so bold and vibrant! Keep up the amazing work, sweetheart! I love you! -- Auntie Jenn