Madelyn7535's Comments (23)

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Below are comments about Madelyn7535's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Sweet sweet Maddie. You do such beautiful work, honey. I just love the colors you choose. From Nani.
- Nani on December 25, 2021
Oh Gosh, Maddie, this is my favorite one of all! Beautiful work, honey, and great color mixtures. I love the sleep8ng kittie. What is the one with the hearts thinking about I wonder? Very interesting.
- Nani on December 25, 2021
What a talent you are, my wonderful granddaughter! Your art work is always so original. Love you. Nani
- Nani on November 24, 2021
Maddie, I think this is a really neat drawing cause it shows several different kinds of creatures - very unusual and very creative. You do wonderful work, honey. Nani loves you loads and loads.
- Nani on November 24, 2021
This picture is really really colorful. Where did you get the idea? You do such lovely work, Maddie. I love love love you. Nani
- Nani on October 20, 2021
Oh Maddie, I love love love the leaves! What lovely colors. Love you Maddie. Nani
- Nani on October 20, 2021
Hi Maddie. It’s Nani here. This picture of the girl with blonde hair is really really good! Looks like you ! I love her blue eyes. Love you Maddie. See you in June.
- Nani on October 20, 2021
Beautiful Bird, Maddie!! I love love love her! From Nani
- Nani on October 20, 2021
Hi Maddie. It’s Nani here. Just want to tell you how much I love your artwork. I especially love the one with the peeps and flowers. Such beautiful colors you choose! You do wonderful work, honey. Always remember how wonderful you are. I love love love you. Nani.
- Nani on October 20, 2021
Great Job Maddie! You have all your family in there! I love it! From Nani
- Nani on February 17, 2021
Oh my, Maddie. The garden painting is simply beautiful! I love love love the purple flowers and the big orange sun shining so brightly. You do lovely art work, honey.
- Nani on February 17, 2021
I love the snowman, Maddie! Especially like the purple sky. You are sooo creative, honey, I love love love you. Nani
- Nani on December 2, 2020
Gosh Maddie, I just love love love the boat you made! Great color choices too! From Nani
- Nani Colleen on December 2, 2020
Hi. Maddie. It’s Nani here.n the bird picture is terrific. I love how you even have his little claws gripping the tree. Great job honey! I love love love you.
- Nani on December 2, 2020
Hi Maddie. It’s Nani here. Just want to tell you that pop pop and I love your love bug picture The colors are beautiful! I love you honey always remember how wonderful you are.
- Nani on May 20, 2020
Hi Maddie. It’s Nani here. I just saw yiur lovely ladybug picture and i love love love it! I especially love all the colors - The pinks and blues and green that blend together so very nicely. I think you are very talented. I love love love you! Nani
- Nani on May 20, 2020
OH MY GOSH MADDIE! What a beautiful picture! Is that mommy? I think you are really really a talented artist, honey. I love love love seeing your art work. Thank you for sharing. Pop pop and I love you so so so so much! And we miss you a lot. Love Nani
- Colleen on May 20, 2020
Oooooh! I really like this one. Such a beautiful sky! Thank you for sharing, Maddie! I love love love you.
- Nani on May 20, 2020
I love the goat picture, Maddie, especially your choice of colors! Great job!
- Nani on May 20, 2020
Hi Maddie. It’s Nani here. I just want to tell you that I think your artwork is fabulous. I love the color choice with the purple background for the turtle. Do you think you would like to be an artist when you grow up? I love you, honey. Keep up the great work and always remember how wonderful you are.
- Nani on May 20, 2020
Oh MADDIE!!!! What a lovely picture, and such beautiful green colors! I think you are so talented, honey. And so does Pop pop. I love love love you.
- Nani Rychak on May 20, 2020
Beautiful work, Maddie. I just love love love the eyes! From Nani Rychak
- Colleen on May 20, 2020
Great job Maddie. Keep up the good work. Love, Pop pop.
- Wayne on May 20, 2020