Skylar7013's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Skylar7013's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi, Skylar . . . Thanks for making your new artwork available. It's easy to see that you enjoy time near the ocean, just like your parents and your grandparents. I'll be wearing this new artwork on our vacation in August. Enjoy the summer! All my love, Pops
- Pops on June 21, 2023
Love the pieces!!!! Great work Skye!!!
- Rick(fan) on June 21, 2023
Hi, Skylar . . .it was great to visit with you this past weekend. I am looking at "SKYTOPIA" and am very impressed that you continue to create really interesting artwork even as you enter the last few days of the school year. Have a wonderful time at summer camp and let's enjoy our time at the beach. In the meantime, always remember, "In lemons we trust". Love, Pops
- Pops on June 21, 2023
Love the lemons!
- Aunt K on June 21, 2023
Skylar, Your kaleidoscopic theme is mesmerizing...and I like the "power of 10" throughout the image. Again, it would be fun to watch you 'build' this piece from beginning to end. Keep up the good work, Love, Pops
- Pops on June 8, 2022
We are so incredibly proud of you Skylar! You are very talented! Your choice of color truly complements this piece! Please continue to create! We love you! Grandma and Pa Xoxo
- Rosemary on June 30, 2021
Hi, Skylar . . . You've had a really interesting school year and I'm really proud how well you have done with all your work in your classes. I can see about 4 different stories captured in the images you are including in this picture. You may have even more. It would be interesting to see if one of your stories matches with one of mine. Let's spend some time with that conversation soon. Lots of love.
- Pops on June 30, 2021
Skylar . . . Thanks for sharing this new art. There are so many different themes going on here. There is a culinary character to it. No surprise as you are a very good cook. But there is also a mix of game pieces, alternating forms, and an explosion of colors. I would love for you to sit down with me and talk through how you put this together. How much of this picture is in your head when you begin? How much develops as you do it? Are you sometimes surprised at the end? Love, Pops
- Pops on June 30, 2021
Skylar - It's very clear that you really enjoy creating these pictures. I especially like to study each one carefully and try to find all the interesting details. And to think that it begins with a blank canvass...and then you have to invent each distinct element. It's a lot of fun. Pops
- Pops(fan) on July 1, 2020
I cannot believe how talented our little budding artist is!!! She truly amazes us!!
- Rosemary(fan) on June 24, 2020
My little aspiring artist!!! So super proud of her!
- Rosemary(fan) on June 24, 2020