Eylona1's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Eylona1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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POPPIN BabyGirl!!! The detail with the color scheme along with the abstract flow of the letters in your name is EVERYTHING? This piece is fun like trying to solve a crossword puzzle. Once again you are improving your craft in many directions. You prove you think outside the BOX. Proud of you babygirl keep reaching for theSTARS ??
- Alicia (Mother) on May 4, 2020
Sweetheart, your growth in art is phenomenal! Every time I give you raves for something you’ve done, the next is even better. You are truly gifted. I love it.
- Karen on February 17, 2020
I did Keats comment, but I guess it didn’t take, or I did something wrong, as usual. I love all your artwork, as you are so talented, but this latest one definitely captures my heart. I can feel the emotion you put into your work. I really not only recognize you in the picture, but it made me wonder if you really felt trapped somehow. The title and the picture really made me feel concerned. Lol, so your mission was accomplished. As I said in my original comment, FANTABULOUS!!!
- Karen on January 22, 2020
YYEEEESSSS!!!! I love it... Go ahead girl. If that don’t look like you and your mom. But then again, you look like your mom. Oh wow!!! Keep it up Grandbaby.
- Karen on January 22, 2020
Mommy FAVORITE Babygirl! U ROCK!!! Message stay deep??
- Alicia (Mother) on January 15, 2020
You’re right, it is cool!!! ??. That’s not easy to do either.??
- Karen on January 22, 2020
Your hands are truly a work of art. Just last year you was practicing, and now you got it Grandbaby. I love all of your artwork, and you did a good job on Martin Luther King. I knew who he was as soon as I saw the picture. Love you Mini Picasso; a famous Spanish Artist. ????
- Karen on January 22, 2020
It looks like a real Disney poster or sticker... BRAVISSIMO Grandbaby. Do your thing, cause it is beautiful. Wow!
-- Karen
- on July 24, 2019
Very detail my lil lady luv luv!!!
-- Alicia
- on July 24, 2019
Youthful thoughts and wishes toward your love of mermaids. A beautiful abstract creation that gets that thought across. I can’t look at any mermaid clothing, jewelry, or statue, and not think of you. Love it!
-- Karen
- on May 22, 2019
Super art representing both unity and pride. A powerful combination. I love it.
-- Karen
- on May 22, 2019
Lovely!! Looks like you combined yourself and your mommy, and created a work of beauty. You have such a good eye for art.
-- Karen
- on May 22, 2019
The colors just grab me. I love abstract art, because you see what you feel, and this piece makes me feel excited and happy. Puts an automatic smile on my face.
-- Karen
- on May 22, 2019
Beautiful work... I just love the details. It makes me want to walk through the cool water and listen to the stream splash around my feet. Crisp and clean. I love it.
-- Karen
- on May 22, 2019