Richard7515's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Richard7515's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love the use of comments. Beautiful
-- Julie
- on June 6, 2019
Love this pumpkin. Great job
-- Julie
- on June 6, 2019
Nice use of colors
-- Julie
- on June 6, 2019
Love the the pumpkin. You did a great job Richard.
-- Julie
- on June 6, 2019
Very nice pichure. You did a great job. I love it. Mom
-- Julie
- on June 6, 2019
Love your flowers. Very Nice
-- Joann
- on May 17, 2019
Love you flowers
-- Julie
- on May 17, 2019
Cute ceramic animal
-- Joann
- on May 17, 2019
Love your sunflower and rose.
-- Julie
- on May 16, 2019
Did a great job on his owl
-- Julie
- on May 16, 2019