Robert1780's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Robert1780's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Robert, You did a great job on your Picasso & Matisse. My favorite is the multi-colored one with no title. I love the different colors, so happy looking! Keep up the great artworks and thanks for sharing it with everybody! Great Job! Hector A. Ontario, Canada
- on March 7, 2007
Hi Sam, You are a very good artist! I would like to see more of your works so I can show Mama. She loves your art too. Wow! Love you very much, LoloSam
- on March 7, 2007
sharing is caring. excellent work!
- on March 6, 2007
I have a very good feeling you will be painting like Picasso
- on March 6, 2007
This artwork is very very cute! You also have very good handwritting.
- on March 6, 2007
I love how colorfull this is. We should turn this into a card.
- on March 6, 2007