Nice Job with the Pictures Jake Man... Love the details on this one.. Need some of this stuff to put up in my office and so off your artistic talent!!! Keep up the good Work. Rosso -- Ross
- on May 20, 2010
I really like this picture, Jake! Interesting textures. Love you, Garden Grandma -- Joanne
- on May 19, 2010
Wow! Nice job Jake! Lots of details. Very cool pix. We need to add it to our collection at home! Love you. Momma -- Jen
- on May 18, 2010
Hey Jake- Love the different patterns/ textures used in this masterpiece. Keeps it so interesting! Good work! -- Shawneee
- on May 18, 2010
Jake, We are all very proud of you. What a wonderful picture! It reminds us how we can always aim high in life. You are an outstanding young artist. Keep up the good work! From- Your friends at Child Guidance Early Learning Center
- on November 20, 2009
Hey Jake, This is the one you were working on . I liked it then and even more now that its completed. Good job. Gramma
- on November 20, 2009
Hello Jake, Nice picture of the launch. Wish you had been with me a couple of years ago when I saw the Discovery space shuttle launch from Cape Canaveral. It was awesome; just like your picture. Love you, Garden Grandma
- on November 20, 2009
Nice job Jake!! You did an awesome job on this one. Bet Uncle Dave likes it!!
- on November 19, 2009
Jake- Love the detail and clean lines! My favorite part is the clouds of smoke and how I can really feel the rocket lifting off the ground. Good work! You "rock"!
- on November 20, 2009
Hey Lazy Lizard - Where did you learn how to paint like this? Good stuff dude, keep it comin'!
- on October 23, 2008
Wow, Jake, Abosolutely awesome. I once received an A+ for my pencil sketch of birches but I was in the 7th grade. Your style is outstanding. Love Ya Gramma
- on October 22, 2008
Jake - I really like your pumpkin painting. You are quite the painter. Thanks for sharing your artwork with us. Love, Auntie Jenn, Uncle Daran & Austin
- on October 22, 2008
Love your "Birch trees" painting! You just keep getting better. Keep it up. Love you, Garden Grandma
- on October 17, 2008
Jake: I love your new birch trees picture. It is very cool and reminds me of fall and pumpkins! Keep up the good work.
- on October 15, 2008
Jake- love it! You achieved a great abstract piece. I especially love how your birch trees play hide and seek. Very nice!
- on October 14, 2008
Jake, This is wonderful. You always liked to draw,color and paint. You are very creative. Gramma
- on November 20, 2007
Jakey- Absolutely love the pumpkin artwork! Artistic talent runs in your family and you definitely got it! Keep up the good work and I can hardly wait for the next great creation! XXOO! Shawneee!
- on November 15, 2007
Jakey....YOU ROCK!!! I love your artwork. It resembles of mine(and Mom's) favorite artists!! Keep up the good the pumpkins, of course!
- on November 14, 2007
Jake, thanks for inviting me into your fan club. Your artwork is awesome buddy, Keep up the good work!!!! Ross
- on November 14, 2007
I am so proud of Jake and the artwork that he does. He has loved to create art since he was a baby and his creative energies continue to shine! Keep up the great work Jake!
- on November 14, 2007
Great art work, Jake! You must be talented like your Mother. What a great web site for kids to display their work to those who don't live close by. Love you, Garden Grandma