Lauren2675's Comments (19)

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Below are comments about Lauren2675's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Lauren your artwork is magnificent. I have been trying to catch up on my messages and I found all your pictures. Is this one Hallee? You use such beautiful colors. You definitely have talent girl!
-- Kathi
- on April 9, 2010
One word. Beeeaaauuuttttiiiifffffullllllll! It makes me feel "autumnish." Great Job!
- on January 14, 2009
Lauree, These four pictures are amazing! The last two, I don't think I have seen before. You are good at contrasting works-the last being a subtle watercolor effect and the one before---bold and beautiful, just like you! You are truly an artist! Aunt Poochie
- on January 14, 2009
Love it, love it , love it!!!Again with bright and beautiful colors. I need some of your artwork because I know you will be a famous artist some day. I'll bet your art teacher is really impressed with your work. Keep it up! Love you, Aunt Poochie
- on December 6, 2007
This is sooo cute! Again, your use of bold and bright colors makes it so delightful to look at your drawing. You are a true artist!
- on December 2, 2007
Lauree! I loooovvvveee your cat. It is one of my very favorites! I like the contrasting colors of orange and black. I wish I had a cat like this. I actually have seen a cat like this one. It is called a Bengal cat and is very expensive. You continue to be my favorite artist. Your work is continually improving. I don't know how you can get any better! Love you, Poochie
- on December 2, 2007
Hi Lauren! It's daddy,I just saw your latest masterpiece,I am so amazed with your development as an artist.I am so very proud of you! I love you,Daddy
- on December 2, 2007
OK, Lauree, I think you need to start seriously thinking about a career in art and or design. Your choice of colors is so creative and eye catching. Your art should be hanging in an art museum. I hope you are keeping your portfolio with all these artworks included. This new one is spectacular! -Love, Aunt Poochie
- on June 24, 2007
This piece is so cool! I really LOVE it ; ). ~Mom
- on June 21, 2007
I am always so amazed at how beautiful your artwork is! You and your brother make me sooo proud! I love you both very much.. love Daddy
- on May 30, 2007
Laurie, This is absolutely beautiful! It is just downright pretty. The primary and hot colors really make the design stand out. I can't wait to see this one in person! Love, Aunt Poochie
- on May 30, 2007
This is so cute! I love the way you made your hair in this picture. You and Noah look really cute!
- on May 28, 2007
Hi Lauren--I think this piece is beautiful! I can't wait til u bring it home so we can hang it on the wall. This is definitely one of my favorites of all-time. -Mom.
- on May 28, 2007
Dear Lauren, I love your picture (the stone wall?) It shows very developed technique and use of color! Excellent! Aunt Vicki
- on May 10, 2007
Hey Laurie! This is a cool animal print. Wish we could make a dress with this print. You did it in my favorite colors! Love, Aunt Poochie PS: Did you win your soccer game, look for pictures on the email I sent you.
- on May 10, 2007
this picture is so good! I think you are such a gifted artist,I'm so proud of you.-daddy
- on April 13, 2007
i love this picture! your colors and creativity are very good!
- on April 13, 2007
This picture is very beautiful and interesting. It is so visually appealing because of the choice of bright primary color and the manner in which the design was placed on the paper. The clouds bring out the colors even more. --Poochie
- on April 4, 2007
I love this. This is one of my favorite drawings you have done.
- on April 4, 2007