Max668's Comments (19)

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Below are comments about Max668's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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great picture! i'm guessing this is the last one of the year... hope you still keep up your mad skills over the summer. love, aunt jenny
- on May 14, 2009
great pic! did you use a ruler for the lines? they're so straight! love, aunt jenny
- on May 14, 2009
that is so cool. i don't even know how to do that. maybe you can show me how to make an object light up like that. can't wait till the next picture... love you, aunt jenny
- on February 17, 2009
i'm dying to know what the instructions were for this picture. i can only imagine that these are all words that describe who you are. great job! love, aunt jenny
- on October 23, 2008
hey max, love the artwork. love the smile. i've seen this look before on your face. ;) she almost looks "sneaky." can't wait to see more of your art. love, aunt jenny
- on October 14, 2008
hi Max, I love your fun turkey artwork! and your Chuck Close still life is really nice–did you learn about him in school? I like his paintings. love Uncle Chris
- on January 6, 2008
Max, the grinch is my FAVORITE christmas cartoon! this is awesome... aunt jenny
- on January 4, 2008
Max - this one is my ALL TIME FAVORITE! Jaimie
- on May 14, 2007
Cool picture buddy! The house is kinda scary but I saw that everyone was smiling and happy so I felt better!!! I really like the red shirts too, its my favorite color shirt to wear. I cant wait to see you, should be home soon.
- on April 20, 2007
Hey Max! I'm surprised this isn't you licking your chops for a cup of hot chocolate! Nice picture! Keep up the great work! Love, Mom
- on March 14, 2007
Hi Max, I enjoy seeing your artwork on the computer. I might not get to see it, if it wasn't there. Love, Grandma
- on March 7, 2007
Hey Max! Awesome painting! I love the detail and the colors. This is one of your best yet...keep up the great work! I'm really proud of you. Love, Mommy
- on January 30, 2007
WOW! I love this picture! Remind me to show you a picture of my great, great, great grandfather who was an indian chief. - Aunt Jaimie
- on January 29, 2007
hey Max, awesome snowman! although he looks like he has some stitches, what happened to him? did he get in a snowball fight???
- on January 27, 2007
I was very excited to get new art!!! I will hang this next to your others in my office =) Take care buddy!!
- on January 25, 2007
I love the indian picture! Great colors! Did you know Aunt Jaimie is part Indian? I think it's Cherokee and Camanche. Can't wait to see more... Aunt Jenny
- on January 22, 2007
Max: This is a fabulous picture. Was Uncle Chris afraid of it? Isn't he afraid of clowns? Especially really tall ones? I can't wait to see more of your artwork. Think pink flamingos and palm trees. Think pink flamingos and palm trees. Think pink flamingos and palm trees........... Love, Auntie Andy
- on January 21, 2007
Max- It was very thoughtful to send me the art-work, I enjoyed it a lot. Uncle Roger
- on January 19, 2007
Hi Max!!! Great stuff buddy!! I really like them both very much... =) Thanks for sharing your art with me! I look forward to seeing more! I am printing both Pictures and hanging them in my room... I will take some pictures and send them so you can see! Thanks again buddy... see you soon!
- on January 19, 2007