Miles4926's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Miles4926's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Good artwork Miles.
- Dave on May 26, 2022
Good Artwork Miles!!
- Dave on May 26, 2022
Miles I like your artwork.
- Dave on February 17, 2021
I like your artwork Miles.
- Dave on April 7, 2020
I like your artwork. Keep up the good work.
- Dave on March 4, 2020
Miles, good artwork!
- Dave on November 20, 2019
Miles, I like your artwork.
- Dave on October 2, 2019
We like your artwork. AWESOME JOB!
-- Dave
- on April 3, 2019
What a beautiful piece of art! I can tell you worked so hard to make sure each piece was just perfect! Love you, Mom
-- Jayme
- on April 2, 2019