Ernie you never disappoint. This is your best work to date. Beautiful choice of colors and looks very realistic.
- G-Ma on December 10, 2019
When we think of Feb 14th, we think of Valentines Day. It is the day that one can express feelings about how they feel about someone they care about. A day when Cupid comes and shoots love arrows into the hearts of all who are looking for a sweetheart.
- G-Ma on November 27, 2019
Ernie, painting on rocks is a real challenge. Especially if the shape is different than the picture you are painting. But, you did a fantastic job on this. The colors are beautiful. I think I like the bowtie the best too. He looks very dapper.
- G-Ma on November 27, 2019
Beautiful skies! We live in the desert and always have beautiful sunsets and sunrises.
- Vicki (G - Ma) on November 6, 2019
I'm glad you chose the month of March! It's G-Ma's birthday month!
- Vicki (G - Ma) on November 6, 2019
Pretty scary stuff! I guess this guy is asking for a stew of body parts for dinner?
- Vicki (G - Ma) on November 6, 2019
Your Mona Lisa is beautiful. I like that you chose to be different and make her look like she is resting.
- Vicki (G - Ma) on November 6, 2019
An amazing insight into the future. I think it's great to start with our nation's first people, the Indians and ending with the surfing dude on the flying saucer. Nice work.
- Vicki (G - Ma) on November 6, 2019
Your colors in this work of art are beautiful. Good choices, Ernie!
- Vicki (G - Ma) on November 6, 2019
This was a wonderful way to honor the pets who meant a lot to you.