Joseph1677's Comments (42)

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Below are comments about Joseph1677's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Joey, I would just like to say that your artwork is beautiful and I hope that someday you can make me one so I can hang at home. :) love, Erika
- on May 9, 2009
Your picture is stupendous only to me. Pokemon rocks!
- on November 12, 2008
I think this guy's underpants are waaaaaaaaaaay too big for him.
- on November 8, 2008
This is looks exactly like the thing that is growing out of the side of my face.....
- on April 4, 2008
If this picture was a scratch and sniff, it would prolly smell a little like a fruit shake made with chicken, cheese and 42 rusty thumb tacks.....yummmy!!!
- on April 4, 2008
Joey I love your city. You are a very talented artist. Love You!! Aunt Maria
- on March 19, 2008
WOW Joe!!! My first impression of this very colorful and beautiful picture, was the 4th of July!! I already have summer on my mind. Awesome job, Joe! Always keep up the amazing work! Love, Karen
- on March 15, 2008
Hi Joey, I love your Spiderman Eyeball. I heard you worked very hard on it. You are really a very good artist. See you soon. Love, Grandma Peggy
- on February 3, 2008
Dear Joey, I love your city. I didn't see it in the hall. I can see you named all of the buildings after your friends! You really did a great job. I love seeing your artwork at school and you too. Love, Grandma Peggy
- on February 3, 2008
I love your city! Make sure you buy me a beautiful necklace at Tiffany's! I'm proud of you. Love, Mommy
- on February 3, 2008
Hey where the heck is Uncle Michael's Fruit Shake Shack???
- on January 24, 2008
dude, this is what the inside of my stomach looks like when I have one too many fruit shakes and then go on the ferris wheel...
- on January 17, 2008
Hi Joe, WOW!!!! What a beautiful piece of work! I can tell that you really did your best work on this piece! I am so proud of you, as always!! Keep up your creative artistic ability!! Love, Karen
- on January 17, 2008
Hey Joe, This picture looks a little like yer' Aunt Maria's left eye after she has one too many fruit shakes.
- on November 14, 2007
cool looking cat! I love the colors and the designs on it. Great job! :)~ love, Erika and Monty
- on June 7, 2007
I think I know this guy. He and I drink fruit shakes together every Easter. Maybe some day he will come to your house and wash your sister's coffee pot.
- on June 7, 2007
Is this your Aunt Maria? Looks just like her!
- on June 7, 2007
I hate cats. Buy I like this one. He looks like a bad dude. Maybe he wants t share my socks with me. Maybe a frosty fruit shake too.
- on June 7, 2007
Dear Joe Joe, I saw your colorful cat hanging by the gym. It reminds me of a Siamese cat like the one in Lady and the Tramp. It's a lot more colorful though. Very very awesome. Love, Grandma Peggy
- on June 7, 2007
Hey Joe! You truly are a "cool cat!" That picture rocks! You surely know how to add detail to a picture! Keep up the awesome work, and as always I am very proud of you!! Love, Karen
- on June 7, 2007
Joey, I love your snowglobe. I can't believe I didn't see it hanging in the hall. Your snowman and the rest of your artwork is terrific. Can't wait to see the next one. I love you. Love, Grandma Peggy
- on March 25, 2007
Mojohowicz, This is your best yet! Makes me wonder, what's next.! The detail you apply often reminds me of myself. Keep up the good work and keep letting that wonderful imagination work it's wonders. Love Ya Much, U.L.
- on March 9, 2007
Hi Joey! Your snow globe is so cool. You really are getting so big, and your art work keeps getting better and better. This one is my favorite. Great Job Joe!!! Love, Aunt Maria
- on February 24, 2007
Hi Joey..I really think your snowglobe is nice. Keep working those great talents of yours. Love, Monty and Erika.
- on February 24, 2007
Joe, I must admit but I think your snow globe is the best one I have ever seen!! I am so impressed with all the details that you put into your beautiful work! Way to go, again!! I just also wanted to let you know that I am thrilled to be in your Artsonia fan club!! Love, Karen ( your mommy, daddy, grandpa, grandma, and Aunt Maria's friend)
- on February 24, 2007
Joey - I love your snow globe... it's really awesome! Keep up the great work! -Kathy O
- on February 24, 2007
Wow Joey your artwork keeps getting better and better!I like the colors you used. What a cool design. Ms. Petrillo is a great art teacher, isn't she? Love and kisses, Grandma Peggy
- on February 3, 2007
Joey, I love your Picasso! You are becoming quite an artist and a writer too like your Uncle Michael. Keep writing and illustrating!! Love always, Grandma Peggy
- on February 3, 2007
How cool, Joe! I can see so many things inside your picture. When I look at it one way I see a colorful bug with antenae. Another part looks like a happy face. Overall, the colors and designs really are unique and beautiful...........just like you. Love, Mommy
- on February 3, 2007
Look out Picasso! I just love the silly face you created in Ms. Petrillo's class. Keep up the good work. I love you, Mommy
- on January 30, 2007
Joey, Your'e Frankenstein rocks! We are so lucky to have this masterpiece at home. Keep trying your best at school and you can continue to be proud of yourself. I love you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love, Mommy
- on December 2, 2006
Hey Joey I just wanted to say hello again. I love your art so much me and your cousin Monty just bought a shirt to show you we are truly proud of you. Your number 1 fans :) Cousin Monty and your friend Erika
- on December 2, 2006
Joey, I really love your Frankenstein. I got to see it all the time at school. Keep up the great work. I knew you could do it!! Love, Grandma Peggy
- on December 2, 2006
Zep, Still not surprised! Can't wait to see the next one! Keep up the good work! Stay as cool as you are! Love, Uncle LOU
- on November 30, 2006
Love your tree and the colors you chose. I knew you had the talent for being a artist. Love Ya Much, Hugs and kissesm Gram's
- on November 30, 2006
Hi Joey, I love how creative you are. I hope you keep creating more art because you are a very talented boy. I love art too. I especially love the Frankenstein you made. I hope you can make me one some day. Take care. Love, Erika
- on November 30, 2006
Your tree is so beautiful Joey. I love the colors you used. I can't wait to see your next piece of artwork, the Frankenstein that is hanging in the school. I love you. Grandma Peggy
- on November 29, 2006
Joey, What a very colorful and beautiful looking tree! You should be very proud of your creative artwork! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Love, Karen (Callahan) (mom, dad, and Aunt Maria's friend)
- on November 29, 2006
Your fall tree looks beautiful! I hope you like it too. Remember how proud of you I am, and how much I really love you!! Your great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love, Mommy
- on November 22, 2006
I am so proud of you and your NEWEST artwork. However, I can not say I am surprised. I am glad that now everyone can finally see your artistic talent that I have seen in the last several years.
- on November 22, 2006
This is so cool!! Joey - your tree is wonderful! I love the shape of the trunk - tons of creativity!!! Excellent work - I hope I can get your autograph before you're famous! -Kathy O'Grady
- on November 22, 2006
Joey your tree is atonishing (word of the week). Keep up the groovy work dude!
- on November 22, 2006