Jameson, I love your beautiful picture with cardinals! It looks like you really took your time because the details of the twigs and cardinals are amazing! Keep up the great work because you are an amazing artist! I love you buddy! Grammy
- Grammy on March 18, 2020
Jameson, I love your polar bear! You must have worked really hard on it because it is adorable! The pink cheeks looked like yours when you were sledding! Keep up the awesome work, buddy! Love you! Grammy
- Grammy on January 22, 2020
Jameson, your dalmatian is so creative and looks like he is dancing or giving you high fives! I love the variety of spots you put on it’s body! It must have been hard work! I love it and love you too! Keep up good work, buddy! Smooches! Grammy -- Grammy
- on April 24, 2019
Jameson, I love the beautiful flowers that you are holding! You are an awesome artist and I can’t wait to see what else you draw in art class! Keep up the good work, buddy! Love you! ?? Grammy -- Grammy