Harper4370's Comments (36)

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Below are comments about Harper4370's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great job on Sandy Beach! I love it!
- Nancy on June 1, 2022
Nice work Harper !!!
- Nancy on April 11, 2022
WoW ! This really PoPs !
- Nancy on February 9, 2022
Great job.love it.
- Julie on February 9, 2022
great job sweetie!! love you and miss you!!
- Julie on January 26, 2022
Love your colors and positioning of the objects in your artwork!
- Pamela on December 29, 2021
Love the shading! Great work Harper!
- Nancy on December 22, 2021
Wonderful you! Keep up the great work!
- Pamela on September 2, 2020
very good work Harper love you
- Julie on August 27, 2020
- Julie on May 27, 2020
good job harper,
- Julie on May 27, 2020
That's a fancy fish and so colorful !!!
- Nancy on May 20, 2020
A smile worth a thousand words Super Hero !!!
- Nancy on May 6, 2020
This makes me hungry, great job!
- Grandma Nancy on May 6, 2020
Wow, a crunchy pirate ship !! I especially love those waves!
- Nancy on May 6, 2020
That's my kind of art Harper, I love it !!!
- Nancy on April 15, 2020
Awesome picture Harper !!!
- Grandma Nancy on January 22, 2020
Love it!
- Nicholas (Father) on November 27, 2019
Awesome art Harper !!
- Grandma Nancy on November 27, 2019
Very Nice~ It looks like stained glass window. Great work Harper!
- Grandma Nancy on October 21, 2019
Harper, I love this artwork that you did! Great artistic ability! Love you, Grandma Coughlin
- Pamela on October 18, 2019
Cute jewelry Harper!
- Sami on October 18, 2019
I really like the colors you used Harper!!
- Sami on October 18, 2019
Love it!
- Dad on October 9, 2019
Harper! This is a great piece. I love you. Love Dad
- Dad on October 9, 2019
Very creative Harper! I love the colors too! Grandma Nancy
- on September 25, 2019
Wow Harper!!! Your pendant is amazing!!!
- on September 20, 2019
I love this Harper!!!
-- grandma Nancy
- on June 26, 2019
-- Dad
- on June 10, 2019
-- Dad
- on June 10, 2019
-- Dad
- on June 10, 2019
Such a cute penguin and the sky is excellent. Nice work Harper!!!
-- grandma Nancy
- on June 12, 2019
Great job with the penquin! Love your artwork Harper!
-- Pamela
- on June 12, 2019
Nice artwork!
-- Maggie
- on March 12, 2019
Wow! Great horse Harper!
-- Grandma Nancy
- on February 28, 2019
Grandma Coughlin loves your colorful horse!
-- Pamela
- on February 27, 2019