Stephanie2042's Comments (42)

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Below are comments about Stephanie2042's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Dear Stephanie, You are fantastic. I am always amazed each time I view your art. You have such a great imagination. I loved all your drawings, but I must admit my favorite was Cityscapes. You have a wonderful future ahead of you, and I am so proud to be a member of your Fan Club. Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- on September 29, 2009
Dear Stephanie, This is an excellent painting, it looked so peaceful and yet beautiful. It has that calming feeling to it. I just love it...Anut Amy
- on September 29, 2009
Hi Stephanie, This is really nice, you are so talented!!! Love Jen
- on September 29, 2009
Hi Stephanie. I was sitting here in my office drinking a Green Tea and I got an email that you had posted a new painting on Artsonia. I must tell you that I think the painting is wonderful; you have a definite talent in the art field. And I should know - after all I am an attorney. Really, the painting is excellent, in fact I ordered a mousepad with this as the background. I am sure my mouse will like his new home. Very truly yours, Christopher J. Bruno, Esq. The original Starry Night is one of my favorite paintings. I don't know if I go so far as to order a mousepad from Vinnie, but still it is very good.
- on May 29, 2009
Hi Stephanie. This is an EXCELLENT drawing. I liked it! Love, Mommy
- on December 30, 2008
Hi Stephanie. This is my favorite one from your entire catalogue. I admire your imaginationa and creativity. Happy New Year! Jim McEvoy
- on December 30, 2008
Good morning Stephanie, I enjoy looking at all of your Artwork and, because I really like the color pink and sunflowers, I must say that this is my favorite. I am always amazed when I see your drawings because I believe that you are extremely talented and you get better and better as time goes by. You have such a great future ahead of you. Love, your friend Alice L.
- on December 30, 2008
Wow, you are an incredible aritist. I love every piece of you art work......aunt amy
- on December 30, 2008
Brava Stephanie! Remarkable range of subject matter and use of color.
- on December 30, 2008
Hi Stephanie. I looked at this painting and I am like: "This is really good". Then I go:"Boy, Stephanie can really paint." ya know? And then, you know, I'm like "Man, I wish I could paint like that." So then I go: "Hey, maybe I'll take lessons." But I'm like: "Nah, never happen." But like, you know, like I really like this painting. Particularly that guy going over the bridge where the pipe broke. That alien dude is cool too. And the General Store? Awesome. You know I once had a nightmare about a General Store - they wouldn't let me buy anything specific. No kidding Stephanie, this picture is great. I like the way you made the reality part (the pipes) in black and white and the fantasy part in color. Keep up the good work Your friend, Christopher J. Bruno, Esq. Counsel and Vice President
- on December 30, 2008
Dear Stephanie...Thank you for sharing your latest masterpiece. No doubt, you are an amazing and talented young artist. You are so creative and I am very proud of you. CONGRATULATIONS! Keep up the good work. Love, Aunt Amy
- on November 9, 2008
Good morning Stephanie, Once again, I am truly amazed at your artwork. You really show so much creativity and I especially like this drawing very much. I have already printed a Black and White Copy to put in the file of your drawings which I have in my desk. Keep up the great work. Sincerely, your friend - Alice L.
- on November 6, 2008
Outstanding, as usual. This is my favorite of all your works. Thanks for sending it.
- on November 9, 2008
Stephanie, you are a true artist. I love all your work.
- on November 6, 2008
Brilliant, as usual. Keep them coming! Jim McEvoy
- on April 7, 2008
Very Van Goghish. Keep it up.
- on April 7, 2008
Hi Stephanie - All I could say when I looked at this is "WOW"! You just keep on getting better all the time. Keep up the great work. (By the way I really like sunflowers). Alice Lasch
- on April 7, 2008
Hi Stephanie. This painting is very nice. I don't know much about art but I know what I like. Keep up the good work. Your friend, Christopher J. Bruno, Esq.
- on April 7, 2008
Hi Stephanie. We are so happy to see this Masterpiece at the Old Bridge Public Library.
Congratulations! Keep up the good work.


Mom & Dad
- on March 28, 2008
Dear Stephanie - Happy Valentine's Day! How beautiful this drawing is! You have the best imagination. I should get your autograph now because I believe you will be famous one day. You are just so creative and I am so proud of you. I will always be one of your biggest fans! Sincerely - Alice Lasch
- on February 15, 2008
Very creative and beautiful choice of colors. Brava
- on February 12, 2008
The best yet! Keep them coming!
- on February 12, 2008
Hi Stephanie, Excellent is all I can say. What great faces. You are doing better and better with each picture you send to me. I really like this drawing and the colors you put into it. What a great imagination you have. Your "Big" Friend - Alice Lasch
- on January 24, 2008
Hi Stephanie, Mirror Image Aliens is a good expression of how you interpret yourself. Once again, you have shown your extraordinary use of colors, how you see them and how you put them together. I always enjoy seeing your progress. You're Doing Just Great! - Alice Lasch
- on January 24, 2008
Very creative and I loved your choice of colors.
- on January 23, 2008
Hi Stephanie This piece is very imaginative. It is a very good interpretation of Picasso. I love the colors. Aunt Connie
- on January 22, 2008
Hi Stephanie, Again and again you demonstrate your talents in art. I am very proud of you and I believe that one day you will go into some kind of work which relates to your beautiful drawings. Keep up the "great work"! Best Wishes - Alice Lasch
- on November 25, 2007
Stephanie2042 rocks! Haapy Thanksgiving! Jim Mc
- on November 25, 2007
Good afternoon Stephanie, You get better and better. This is beautiful with all the stars and different colors. Keep up the good work. Love, Alice Lasch
- on June 18, 2007
Excellent work Stephanie!
- on June 13, 2007
Stephanie You have great eye for color! This is a very modern piece of art so far. Keep up the good work! Auntie Connie
- on June 12, 2007
Hi Stephanie, WOW, I think this one is really great - You really use wonderful colors and your design is a very interesting abstract. I just love all your work. You are a very good artist and I see you getting better all the time. Art is fun, and if you love it, like I think you do, you will do very well - Looking forward to seeing much more. Your friend, Janet
- on June 12, 2007
Hi Stepahanie. This painting looks great. It is like looking in the Miro. Do you use gravity to keep the paint on the canvas? Your friend, Mr. Bruno
- on June 12, 2007
Hi Stephie - You are getting better and better. I really like this drawing and I am very proud of you. Thank you for sharing your artwork with me. You are really talented and I believe that over time your art will just get better. Love - Alice
- on May 7, 2007
Hi Stephanie - Your "Art" gets better and better. I especially like this drawing because it has some of my favorite colors. I am very happy that you are doing so well. Alice Lasch
- on May 3, 2007
It's beautiful. Keep up your good work Stephanie. We are very proud of you. Love, Daddy & Mommy
- on March 21, 2007
Hi Stephanie, You are a "most creative little girl" and I am very fortunate to see and enjoy your drawings. I really like the colors in this one. Thank you for sharing it with me. Sincerely, Alice Lasch
- on March 21, 2007
Hi Stephanie. Those paintings look great! Sincerely, Mr. Bruno
- on March 21, 2007
Hello Stephanie - Your artwork is getting better and better. What a great future you have in store for yourself with all your creativity. I'm very proud of you.
- on March 8, 2007
Hi Stephanie - You do beautiful work and you are very creative. I like both of the drawings and I am very proud of you. Sincerely, Alice
- on March 8, 2007
Dear Stephanie, I love your beautiful art work, you are so talented. Love, aunt Amy
- on March 8, 2007
Very nice paintings, Stephanie. I particularly like the way that you use gravity to keep the buildings down on the ground.
- on March 8, 2007