Emily, Another great work of art sweetie! Grandad and I are so very proud of you and all of your artistic talent. Love you lots. Grandma
- on May 3, 2009
Emily, I am so proud of your great artwork!!! You are such a good artist and I really like this picture. I love you!!! Grandad
- on April 7, 2007
Emily, What a great picture-I really love the colors you used. You are such a good artist sweetie. I love you! Grandma
- on April 7, 2007
Emily, I'm sorry I didn't comment sooner; I think I must have emailed your mom directly! Anyway, I just wanted to say that I hope you will keep working on your art so that someday your work will be known far and wide! Love always, Aunt Barbara
- on April 7, 2007
WOW!!! Emily, I have been to many art museums and this masterpiece looks like it belongs up on the walls of the MOMA in New York City! I love it!
- on December 2, 2006
This is a really good one. SO beautiful! Love, Kaegan
- on November 30, 2006
This is beautiful!
- on November 30, 2006
emily, hope you get alot of fans. I like the colors. Love,Forest
- on November 30, 2006
I think the use of colors is fantastic. This is precisely the kind of design that would look great on a coffee cup!
- on November 21, 2006
Hi Emily I love your art work! you are a great artist! I saw a lot of people love your artwork.
- on November 19, 2006
Emily, What a great piece of art. It is very colorful and beautiful. Great work. Sue Parkison
- on November 17, 2006
Emily, this is great art work!!! I love it!!! (I'm a friend of your Aunt Lacey's) Just wanted to say hi & congrats on your great art work! :) Katie
- on November 17, 2006
Great Job Emily!!!!!!!
- on November 17, 2006
Emily - this is so beautiful you are quite the contemporary artist!!! I am so proud of you - congratualtions on your artistic success! Love Auntie Lacey
- on November 17, 2006
Emily, I am so proud of you! Your work is beautiful. I really love it! You are a great artist. Love, Mom